The Mercury

Call for firms not to penalise marchers


CIVIL society organisati­ons say they have pleaded with companies not to penalise employees who join tomorrow’s protest marches calling for the removal of President Jacob Zuma.

“We were in discussion with business organisati­ons and we humbly asked them not to penalise anyone joining the march. If people wish to knock off early, they should be allowed,” said Mark Heywood, director of Section27.

“And if your employers don’t give you time off, take leave – do whatever it takes for this historic protest. Join us in saying Zuma must go.”

Heywood emphasised that this is was not a political march but one to encourage all concerned South African citizens to stand up and defend the democracy. “This will be a legal and peaceful march, no one should feel intimidate­d or afraid. We will make sure that everyone is safe,” he said.

A coalition of groups have had some of their members camping outside Church Square in Pretoria since Monday. “We will camp until Zuma resigns and leaves the money of South Africa,” said Elias Mogoru of the Forum for Service Delivery.

He dismissed claims that the coalition was only active now because white people and elitists also felt affected by the current economic status. He said this was everyone’s problem and there was no such thing as white monopoly.

Themba Masango, a convenor of Save South Africa, said there were no elitist groups. “We are pleading with every South African to act. If we could defeat apartheid, Zuma is nothing. – ANA

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