The Mercury

Social media to be fined for fake news, hate speech


LONDON: Social networks that fail to remove defamatory “fake news”, hate speech and other illegal content will be fined up to £43 million (R735m) under new plans agreed by the German government.

Angela Merkel’s cabinet voted on the measures amid concerns over free speech, with campaigner­s, technology firms and journalist­s raising fears that tightened regulation­s could restrict expression.

Heiko Maas, the German justice minister, vowed to push for similar rules Europe-wide, adding: “There should be just as little tolerance for criminal incitement on social networks as on the street.

“We owe it to the victims of hate crime to manage this better.”

The bill strengthen­s Germany’s existing laws covering hate speech, slander, defamation, threats and incitement, adding to prison sentences already enforceabl­e for Holocaust denial or inciting hatred against minorities.

The issue has taken on increasing urgency ahead of the country’s federal elections in September, with concerns the proliferat­ion of “fake news” and racist content online could affect the outcome.

Fears over terror attacks claimed by Islamic State have been a point of contention, as has the reaction to the arrival of more than 1 million refugees in Germany over the past two years.

Facebook won a court case last month after a Syrian refugee falsely accused of being a terrorist and attempted murderer in a series of xenophobic posts, attempted to sue the social networking giant for damages.

Anas Modamani, whose chance selfie with Merkel is one of a series of images seized upon by far-right groups, argued that failure to remove the posts put him at risk.

His lawyer pointed out that Facebook’s community standards violations did not include libel, which is a criminal offence in Germany, the UK and elsewhere.

The new law would give social networks 24 hours to delete or block criminal content and seven days to deal with less clear-cut cases, with an obligation to report back to the person who filed the complaint about how it was handled.

Failure to comply could see a company fined up to £43m, with its chief representa­tive in Germany handed an additional penalty of £4.3m..

The Digital Society Associatio­n was among the groups opposing the move, with its head, Volker Tripp, saying: “It is the wrong approach to make social networks into a content police.”

Bitkom, an associatio­n that represents digital companies, said the government should build up specialist teams to monitor online content for potential infringeme­nts, rather than expect social networks to do it themselves.

“Given the short deadlines and the severe penalties, providers will be forced to delete doubtful statements as a precaution,“said Bitkom manager Bernhard Rohleder. “That would have a serious impact on free speech on the internet.”

Since it was unveiled last month, the draft law has been amended to include new categories of content, such as child pornograph­y, and now allows courts to order social networks to reveal the identity of the user behind criminal posts.

To address concerns over free speech, the legislatio­n was tweaked to make clear that a fine would not necessaril­y be imposed after just one infraction, and still needs to be approved by the Bundestag. – The Independen­t

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