The Mercury

Macron, man of moderation – and a conscience on Africa

- Shannon Ebrahim

EMMANUEL Macron’s big win in this week’s presidenti­al elections in France is historic on many levels. Not only is he the youngest head of state on the global stage at the age of 39, but he is also the youngest president of France since Napoleon.

In terms of political tradition, he has broken the mould in that he won as an independen­t, making it the first time since World War II that traditiona­l parties from the left and the right have been ejected from the race.

Macron’s meteoric rise is a product of the widespread disillusio­nment in France with the long-standing political establishm­ent that is perceived to have betrayed the will of the people.

This also explains the impressive gains made by France’s far right National Front, taking 34% of the vote. Marine le Pen managed to double the number of votes her father secured in the run-off election in 2002. By giving Macron 66% of the vote, the French people have chosen the road of moderation and tolerance over that of xenophobia and narrow nationalis­m.

The electorate chose between two very different visions of what France is and what it should be. Macron represente­d an open and inclusive country while Le Pen wants to pull up the drawbridge­s.

It is hoped that the people will reaffirm this commitment in the parliament­ary elections on June 18, so that Macron will be able to fulfil his promises. It should also be acknowledg­ed, however, that voter apathy in France is at an all-time high, with voter turn out the lowest in 40 years, and a third of the populace choosing neither Macron nor Le Pen. An estimated 4.2 million spoiled their ballots.

The apathy has resulted in a compromise candidate who will build a new majority in the centre.

Macron fashioned his campaign along the lines of former President Barack Obama’s inspiring message of “unity, change, and hope”, and voters were attracted to his unconventi­onal people’s movement, En Marche, or On the Move.

But the irony of Macron’s win – which supposedly represents a backlash against the establishm­ent – is that his agenda does not significan­tly deviate from existing policy positions.

While Macron advocates economic reform, it is a gradualist approach, and the essence of his foreign policy positions represents continuity and consolidat­ion.

Macron has urged the French people to embrace globalisat­ion and the European Union, which is what his former boss President Francois Hollande has stood for.

Macron will bring his youthful energy to the table, and drive a campaign to reinvigora­te the EU and make it more relevant and empowered as a regional body.

Macron’s big promise was to convince Germany to agree to a grand bargain for Europe that will see a closer integratio­n of the Eurozone.

In terms of his domestic socio-economic agenda, Macron won’t scrap the 35-hour work week, but will allow firms to negotiate inhouse deals. He will attempt to relax labour regulation­s, lower social protection­s and reduce the role of the state. These are issues he pushed for as Minister of Economy in Hollande’s cabinet, but he resigned twice in frustratio­n at the slow pace of reforms.

His challenge will be to reduce France’s unemployme­nt rate which stands at around 10% – significan­tly higher than Europe’s 8% or Germany’s 3.9%.

Perhaps the young leader’s greatest challenge will be to unite a nation that is arguably more divided than at any time in its history since 1945.

There is constant anxiety over the ever-present danger of terror attacks, in addition to controvers­y over the way to address the never-ending stream of refugees and economic migrants who drain the country’s resources. Linked to this challenge will be how France responds to the economic and political realities on the African continent. For as long as African countries are steeped in conflict, poor governance and low developmen­tal standards, there will be an unstoppabl­e flow of humanity headed for European shores in search of a better life.

If Macron turns a blind eye to these developmen­tal imperative­s, the crisis of the masses crossing the Mediterran­ean will never end.

It is heartening that Macron has been the first French presidenti­al candidate who has publicly recognised the negative role France played in Africa’s history.

On a visit to Algeria in February this year, Macron called colonisati­on a crime against humanity: “It’s truly barbarous and it’s part of the past we need to confront by apologisin­g to those against whom we committed these acts. We must not sweep this past under the carpet.”

France has never formally apologised for its 132-year colonisati­on of Algeria, with a succession of French presidents refusing to do so. Algeria claims that 1.5 million Algerians died in the eight-year war of independen­ce.

If Macron’s sentiments are anything to go by, he has shown he has a conscience, and just maybe that apology will be forthcomin­g in the next few years.

According to some of Macron’s advisers, his administra­tion is unlikely to change the trajectory of its policy approach towards Africa. Ebrahim is foreign editor of Independen­t Media.

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