The Mercury

Bring relief to homeless


THE eThekwini Municipali­ty must be commended for expediting a programme of action to assist the homeless following an in-depth study conducted in the city by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC).

An HSRC report last June, investigat­ing homelessne­ss and causes, found 3 933 people were homeless in Durban and 50% of these lived on the street and in parks, the other 50% living in formal shelters.

The city is planning to build drop-in centres and homeless shelters to help those living in the street and reduce begging, drug abuse and crime.

The city’s commitment to this project is a step in the right direction. Homelessne­ss on the streets is a slow-moving tragedy that arouses anxiety in government and civil society.

Rising unemployme­nt has .................. 031 308 2332 .............................. Yogas Nair .. Philani Mazibuko ...... Kamini Padayachee ............. Garth Johnstone Staats .................. Greg Hutson resulted in larger numbers of the poor living on the margins. Initially dependent on temporary work or social grants, they have descended into true homelessne­ss.

Homelessne­ss contribute­s to criminal activities.

Homeless teenagers turn to survival prostituti­on to attain the basic needs in life of food and shelter. They end up selling their bodies for drugs, money and other necessitie­s.

But let us not only rely on the city to bring relief to the homeless.

Let us work together to help bring relief to the vulnerable, who face a daunting winter. You don’t have to go anywhere far or sacrifice a lot of time.

Rummage through your wardrobe and find those unwanted blankets, beanies, scarves and other articles of warmth.

You too will feel the warmth your good gestures bring into the lives of the less fortunate. ............... 031 308 2004 ................... 080 020 4711 .......................................... 031 308 2022 ................­sa­sa

 ?? FOUNDED, NOVEMBER 25, 1852 ?? Newsdesk Editor Assistant Editor News Editor Live Editor Sports co-ordinator..Murray Production Advertisin­g Deliveries
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FOUNDED, NOVEMBER 25, 1852 Newsdesk Editor Assistant Editor News Editor Live Editor Sports co-ordinator..Murray Production Advertisin­g Deliveries E-mail On the

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