The Mercury

Hypertensi­on is the ‘silent killer’ that can be avoided

- Ilanit Chernick

“I WAS having pain down my arm. I didn’t think it was anything serious a few days later when the pain moved to my chest.”

After visiting a doctor, Daniel* discovered he was on the verge of a heart attack because of his high blood pressure, which was 162 over 91 at rest.

“When they did an ECG and a few other tests, I found out I was at serious risk of a heart attack. Until that day I didn’t even know I had high blood pressure,” he said.

Today marks World Hypertensi­on Day and South Africans are being encouraged to check their blood pressure, cholestero­l and blood glucose levels to prevent and control rising blood pressure.

According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa (HSFSA), high blood pressure, also known a hypertensi­on, is one of the most common risk factors for a stroke, heart attack and kidney disease among South Africans.

With about 25% of adults being hypertensi­ve, HSFSA board member Dr Krisela Steyn said this carried an increased risk for these people to suffer a stroke or heart attack.

“Many strokes and heart attacks could be prevented if the undiagnose­d and uncontroll­ed hypertensi­ve South Africans were identified and provided with the necessary blood pressure-lowering medication,” she said.

Statistics showed that one in three South Africans 15 years and older suffer from stage 1 hypertensi­on, with the highest rate of high blood pressure reported among people aged 50 and over for any country in the world.

Almost eight out of 10 people in this age group were being diagnosed with state 2 high blood pressure.

“Fortunatel­y, high blood pressure can be easily detected. Once you know you have high blood pressure, you can work with your doctor to control it,” said Dr Vinod Thomas, cardiologi­st and cardiac electro-physiologi­st at Life Vincent Pallotti Hospital in Cape Town.

“Ask your doctor for a blood pressure reading at least every two years, starting at age 18. If you’re younger with a high risk of high blood pressure, or older than 40, measure it at least once yearly,” he advises.

Daniel said his grandmothe­r suffered from hypertensi­on, “but my parents both had normal blood pressure”.

“I was not as physically active as I should have been and I was under a lot of stress at work,” he said.

After changing his diet, getting into a healthy regime, having regular check-ups and taking blood pressure medication, Daniel’s blood pressure is now at a comfortabl­e 125 over 83.

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