The Mercury

Press coverage helps unveil Gupta saga


THANKS to excellent media coverage, including this newspaper, regarding alleged revelation­s concerning the Guptas’ clandestin­e avarice and that of many soulless politician­s who worship greed, we the unsuspecti­ng public are much enlightene­d. Power to the Press and its mighty sword of revelation­s!

As the disturbing facts unfold and appear to be of sound origin, one can but ponder upon the enormity of the continuing mass-plundering of state funds.

And indeed, but wonder at the seeming bare-faced lies and pathetic denials, rolling off the forked tongues of those accused of robbing the state and being involved in state capture.

The old maxim of “figures cannot lie but liars can figure” is most applicable, one may deduce.

Do those implicated in these criminal atrocities ever consider the suffering they have caused the disadvanta­ged, jobless, homeless, children who go hungry, because of their despicable lust for self-enrichment? If only!

Imagine – the endless gravy train continues, fuelled by Gupta particular­ism and Gupta coal, financed by the most needy. Hungry women and children waving ANC flags as the train steams through their unlit informal settlement. Among the makeshift shacks, a wanton throng singing praise songs, ululating, swaying rhythmical­ly in unison, hoping desperatel­y their trusting support will bring forth the broken promises of long ago. While fat-cat politician­s dressed in expensive glad rags trundle past with sinister grins, scheming more idle promises to stay in power. Do you get the picture? Our poorest of the poor are too trusting and desperate.

Believing the lie that their benefits will cease if they don’t vote ANC. Bless them all.

Come the 2019 elections and the same impoverish­ed innocents, garbed in their new free ANC T-shirts, will trustingly vote again for the once honourable party of Mandela, now, apparently, corrupt within – the Guptas’ cesspit of kleptomani­acs. Unaware, that a vote for the ANC is a vote for Gupta rule and continued poverty – the devil’s own disciples.

It is fair to mention, however, that there are many worthy and devout ANC politician­s who have publicly voiced their disapprova­l of Zupta’s treacherou­s rape of sovereignt­y, but are the worthy ones the majority or minority?

President Jacob Zuma’s vote of no confidence on August 8, be it secret or not, will answer that question, and thus the party will decide its own fate in the outcome of the 2019 elections. IAN WALKER Scottburgh

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