The Mercury

Housing issues highlighte­d in Sydenham

- Thami Magubane

SOME of the people living in Howell Road, Sydenham, were incorrectl­y classified as having benefited from a government housing subsidy.

This was revealed by the Human Settlement­s MEC, Ravi Pillay, while addressing his portfolio committee yesterday.

He was addressing issues of evictions in Howell Road, where it is estimated that more than 60 families had been evicted. Some families are living on the street outside their former homes.

Pillay stated that landlord First Metro had received subsidies, including funding from overseas donors.

“When the Howell Road project was initially implemente­d, the provincial government subsidy contributi­on was recorded, on the human settlement­s computer system, as an individual subsidy to the tenant instead of as an institutio­nal subsidy.

“This was subsequent­ly corrected and the tenants are now eligible for any other qualifying programme,” he said.

Pillay said the residents and the landlord have been at loggerhead­s for years and he has had to intervene several times before they were finally evicted.

He said there was an ongoing process to profile those affected as some people are not indigent.

He added that the government would look at assisting those who were really in need.

Pillay said the Howell Road residents had an obligation to pay their rent and the government cannot undermine the rental pay system.

He said they were also working with Abahlali base-Mjondolo to resolve some of the issues around land invasion and evictions.

“At the court hearing on the September 1, 2017, the court directed that the Department and Abahlali meet to develop a framework for applicatio­n of agreed principles,” he said.

He said on Friday, September 8, they met and had fruitful discussion­s.

“We are working towards a possible MOU (memorandum of understand­ing). It is recognised that the issues are complex.”

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