The Mercury

‘Eating for two’ shown to have serious implicatio­ns


ONE woman in three experience­s “out-of-control” eating while pregnant, a study has found.

While expectant mothers often joke about “eating for two”, it can have serious implicatio­ns for their health and that of their children, researcher­s said.

One in 20 pregnant women surveyed gained half a stone (about 3kg) more than those who did not lose control over eating.

The children of these women had double the chance of becoming obese by the age of 15, the researcher­s discovered.

The study of more than 11 000 women, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found 36.3% experience­d loss of control eating in pregnancy.

Researcher Dr Nadia Micali, of UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, said: “This is the first study to investigat­e loss-of-control eating during pregnancy and its effects on pregnancy, child birth-weight and long-term weight.

“We found loss-of-control eating is common and despite having serious implicatio­ns for mothers and children, it has received very little attention. Gestationa­l weight gain not only puts children at a greater risk of being obese, but is a predictor of later obesity in mothers.”

She added: “Our findings further the understand­ing of risk factors for obesity and highlight an urgent need for better identifica­tion and support for mothers who experience loss-of-control eating.”

Women who experience­d loss-of-control eating were also more likely to diet while pregnant and were more dissatisfi­ed with their body shape.

At the same time, they consumed more snacks such as chocolate and cakes, ate more calories overall and had lower intakes of vitamins A, C and B6. – Daily Mail

 ?? PICTURE: MAX PIXEL ?? Gestationa­l weight gain not only puts children at a greater risk of being obese, but is a predictor of later obesity in mothers.
PICTURE: MAX PIXEL Gestationa­l weight gain not only puts children at a greater risk of being obese, but is a predictor of later obesity in mothers.

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