The Mercury

Celebrate life and legacy of Madiba


THE entire world celebrates the centenary of Nelson Mandela, the greatest political icon of the 20th century.

Madiba stands out as a giant among those whose contributi­ons have served and continue to serve us in our struggle to build a nation out of scattered hopes and lofty aspiration­s.

We will always celebrate the life and legacy of Tata. Our obvious consolatio­n is that he has left an indelible imprint and footprint on the sands of time for us to continuall­y remember. He was very eloquent, brilliant and with such political sagacity of a rare breed.

He was the epitome of political uprightnes­s. He left us something to emulate, decipher and make marks on the course of our life experience­s to make the country better.

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born on July 18, 1918. His life was a life of selfless sacrifices, bravery and visionary leadership. He fought for the greater good of humanity and the principle which must endure for all eternity, freedom.

Our democracy is a testimony of a nation such as the world has never known because it represents something Africa has rarely seen, a government of the people, by the people, for the people.

Madiba believed in championin­g the cause of the oppressed and downtrodde­n people of South Africa, asking no reward except that all people be allowed to live peaceably without fear of aggression or dictatorsh­ip.

As we celebrate his life, we cannot but remember our freedom fighters, drawn from all parts of our heartland characteri­sed by unique diversity, who underwent superhuman sacrifices and shed their precious blood, so that we belonging to a different generation live a better life unfettered by the ignominy of racial domination and exploitati­on. The debt of gratitude that we owe to them cannot be repaid.

Madiba never betrayed the revolution until victory was achieved.

He dedicated his entire life to the just cause of our genuine freedom. His triumph in the face of adversity and unparallel­ed atrocities should live on forever as a lasting tribute to his courage and perseveran­ce.

Our freedom fighters laid the foundation of our democracy, during the days of brutal apartheid rule, when bullets and armour erupted from the air in treachery.

Brave men and women died without a chance to strike a blow in your freedom.

They gave their lives so that we could attain freedom, liberty and pursuit of happiness, which has been granted to every South African as the heritage of free men.

The torch has been passed to a new generation of South Africans. FAROUK ARAIE


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