The Mercury

UKZN academic awarded SA Research Chair in Climate Change and Waste Management

- Christine Cuénod

UNIVERSITY of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) Professor in the School of Engineerin­g, Cristina Trois, was recently awarded a National Research Foundation (NRF)/ Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) South African Research Chair Initiative (SARChI) for Climate Change and Waste Management.

Prof Albert Modi, the Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor for the UKZN College of Agricultur­e, Engineerin­g and Science, said: “Our sincere congratula­tions go to Prof Trois on her appointmen­t.

“The award is a clear indication of research excellence in our College. We are very proud of her and will continue to support her in her endeavours.”

The UKZN School of Engineerin­g has been recognised for the maturity of its research group in waste resources management thanks to the national Waste Research, Developmen­t and Innovation Roadmap. The School has been developing a coursework Master’s in Waste Resources Management with the Department of Science and Technology, which is currently under review.

Part of the RDI Roadmap strategy involved the activation of two SARChI positions to develop capacity in South Africa’s waste sector, with Trois’ Chairmansh­ip focusing on technology and waste management strategies.

“It’s about the impact that waste management has on climate change and vice-versa, from both the adaptation and mitigation points of view,” said Trois.

She highlighte­d the multidisci­plinary nature of the Chair, which boasts researcher­s from life sciences, environmen­tal sciences, sociology, housing, planning, economics and others working in the arena. The Chair will also capitalise on existing collaborat­ions between various discipline­s of engineerin­g.

“It’s about societal developmen­t as well as infrastruc­tural developmen­t,” she said.

The position draws on Trois’s pioneering work of more than 20 years at UKZN in environmen­tal engineerin­g, focusing on waste management and water/wastewater engineerin­g and treatment.

Her contributi­ons to waste science, resource recovery and energy from waste include the developmen­t of the innovative “cellular method” that has been adopted in Durban’s landfill sites.

Trois, who was the first female Dean of Engineerin­g at UKZN, runs initiative­s to encourage young women to pursue science and engineerin­g. She was a runner-up in the 2016 Department of Science and Technology’s Women in Science Awards.

She contribute­d to the first leachate treatment plant in South Africa, and to the first African, World Bank-funded “landfill-gas-to-electricit­y project” through which the city of Durban produces 10MW of electricit­y from waste.

She is working on the multi-national Hub for the African City of the Future.

Trois is part of the Internatio­nal Waste Working Group-Southern Africa Regional Branch, a sub-regional Secretaria­t for Southern Africa of the Internatio­nal Partnershi­p for Expanding Waste Management Services of Local Authoritie­s, which is co-ordinated by the UN Centre for Regional Developmen­t.

A C2 NRF-rated researcher, Trois and two colleagues establishe­d the multidisci­plinary Centre for Research in Environmen­tal, Coastal and Hydrologic­al Engineerin­g in 2001.

She has establishe­d a state-of-the art analytical laboratory for environmen­tal engineerin­g research, developed academic coursework, supervises more than 20 postgradua­te students and researcher­s, graduated more than 45 postgradua­te students and participat­es in various national and internatio­nal councils, societies, institutes, journal editorial and review boards, and has numerous internatio­nal research collaborat­ions.

 ??  ?? Professor Cristina Trois
Professor Cristina Trois

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