The Mercury

A sweet reward for UKZN beekeeper

- Christine Cuénod

IN HIS first year of beekeeping, Brian Karlsen, a technician in the Controlled Environmen­t Facility (CEF) at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), has received first prize at the 2018 Royal Show for his skills in the field.

Karlsen had been interested in beekeeping for several years, but only after finding a swarm of bees in a wet wall pump cover, where he works, did he decide to pursue the interest more seriously. He dashed off to get supplies in the hopes of capturing the swarm.

After two years of attempting to catch swarms, Karlsen only succeeded a year ago. He removed a swarm from a hive in a friend’s canoe.

He almost did not enter his honey at the Royal Show because he was concerned about the quality and quantity. However, the swarm he captured from the canoe proved to be the award-winning product.

The entry was assessed for its colour, aroma and flavour, all of which depends on the bees, says Karlsen, before it is assessed for density and condition of the bottled product.

The KwaZulu-Natal Bee Farmers’ Associatio­n, which judges the competitio­n, scored Karlsen highly in many of the categories, giving him full points for the flavour.

They were impressed with the quality and advised him on how to improve the density and bottling.

Karlsen now has two bee yards, one at the farm, where he lives in Bishopstow­e, and another at a friend’s house, in Wintersklo­of.

For now, beekeeping remains a hobby, but Karlsen hopes it will eventually become a bigger part of his farming pursuits.

Also, he raises broiler chickens on chemical-free pastures and is also growing layer flock that is pasture-fed.

He is also raising a few cows and hopes to begin growing vegetable crops in the Spring.

“I like the ecosystem approach to farming, where one enterprise feeds the other, producing zero waste and requiring minimal inputs. The pastures feed the animals, which fertilise the crops, which feed and are pollinated by the bees. In the end, we end up with vegetables, honey, chicken, milk and eggs,” he said.

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Brian Karlsen with his beekeeping award

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