The Mercury

Malema’s war talk on Gordhan a dangerous diversion


THE Ahmed Kathrada Foundation condemns EFF leader Julius Malema’s attack on Public Enterprise­s Minister Pravin Gordhan.

Malema was speaking at a protest outside the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture on Tuesday when he compared Gordhan to a “dog” that was being handled by “white monopoly capital”. He urged his supporters to be prepared for “casualties” in a “war” being fought against Gordhan.

He also accused the minister having a hatred for black people.

The foundation’s executive director, Neeshan Balton, said Malema’s statements were “inflammato­ry and reckless”. He added that the racialised nature of the attack was “deeply worrying”.

“We should be questionin­g why the EFF chooses to cast aspersions on Gordhan’s integrity on public platforms using language that is highly inflammato­ry. What is the ‘loss of life’ that Malema is claiming may occur in his ‘fight’ with Gordhan – whose life

of may be lost, how and why?

“If Malema indeed has informatio­n that points to the possibilit­y of ‘casualties’ in this purported ‘fight’, should he not be taking the matter to the relevant authoritie­s to avert such a scenario?” Balton questioned.

He added: “The accusation that Gordhan ‘hates black people’ and stifles black excellence is not only false, but in the context of Malema’s inflammato­ry speech, and the party’s repeated anti-Indian statements in the past, is a cause for deep concern.

“When radio DJ Sasha Martinengo used the term ‘monkey’ in an attempt to dehumanise Malema, we took great offence and condemned it.

“In this instance, while it may not be the term ‘monkey’ that is being used against Gordhan, the term ‘dog’ similarly seeks to dehumanise.

“History has shown us just how dangerous dehumanisa­tion can be – take, for instance, the Rwandan genocide in which Tutsis were regarded as nothing more then ‘cockroache­s’. So calling someone a dog, in the context of ‘warring’ with them, can have very serious consequenc­es.”

Balton further criticised the EFF for continuing to try to paint Gordhan as being part of the Gupta family’s ploys in the state capture project.

“Gordhan has been the very antithesis of state capture. If the Guptas had come to symbolise the capture of the state, then Gordhan was among those who represente­d state integrity.

“Despite the immense political pressure he came under, he was among a dedicated group of public representa­tives who repeatedly shielded our state coffers from those intent on looting it.

“As Gordhan himself has requested, if the EFF claims to have informatio­n against the minister that indicates otherwise, then the party should be prepared to come before the commission, present whatever evidence it may have and subject itself to cross-examinatio­n.

“Until then, we should be questionin­g why the party continues running a smear campaign against someone who stood firmly against state capture when many others backed down.

“We should also be asking why Malema has cast doubt on the integrity of the commission itself. If the EFF has not yet brought its evidence before a commission of this nature, but prefers agitating violence on the streets, we need to be questionin­g its real motives.

“There are additional questions which need to be answered by the EFF.

“Are they trying to intimidate future witnesses at the Zondo commission? Why are they so keen that society is not fully informed about the scale of state capture, and the key architects?

“Are they themselves going to testify about their knowledge of state capture – such as the Transnet purchase of locomotive­s, which they revealed at a press conference last year?

“Or are they merely going to limit themselves to being critics of corruption – rather than being active and responsibl­e players in exposing it?”

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