The Mercury

Gordhan takes aim at Malema for racism

Seeks unconditio­nal apology Claims R150 00 in damages for a charity Calls for stand against lies, fake news


PUBLIC Enterprise­s Minister Pravin Gordhan has hit back at EFF leader Julius Malema for taunts that included him being labelled a “dog of white monopoly capital”.

Malema made the comments on November 20 while addressing hundreds of his party supporters outside the offices of Tiso Blackstar, where the hearings on state capture chaired by Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo are taking place.

Gordhan said Malema’s comments were hate speech and that he would not allow corruption to be masked by racism, personal attacks on him and his family, and a political attack.

The police opened a crimen injuria case against the duo at the Brooklyn, Pretoria, police station yesterday where Gordhan gave details of all the public statements Malema and EFF deputy president Floyd Shivambu had made against him.

Gordhan also opened a defamation case at the Equality Court in Pretoria.

Malema made the comments about Gordhan when the latter was testifying about the capture of state-owned enterprise­s (SOEs).

Gordhan alleged that former president Jacob Zuma influenced the control of SOEs, including the appointmen­t of certain executives.

Outside the hearings, Malema tore into Gordhan, accusing him of allegedly having “destroyed Peter Mokaba, Winnie Madikizela-Mandela and everyone else who stood for the truth against the apartheid regime”.

“Pravin has gone in to all SOEs and removed all black excellence because he hates Africans; he doesn’t like Africans.

“Any African who speaks back to Pravin, Pravin threatens those people,” Malema had said.

He had also alleged that Gordhan’s daughter benefited from government business.

Shivambu might also be in trouble for a comment on his blog which he titled: “Pravin Gordhan runs a cabal and operates a parallel state apparatus.”

In the blog, Shivambu similarly accused Gordhan of hating Africans, saying: “The cabal was basically an Indian one put in place to slander the character and standing of African comrades in the MDM (mass democratic movement), and led by Pravin Gordhan.”

In his affidavits, Gordhan provided the police and the Equality Court with links to utterances made against him by the EFF leaders in which they used various media platforms.

“The determined defence of corruption and the corrupt, using personal attacks, racism and alleged hate speech is not acceptable and must be challenged. I have not responded until now to the nonsensica­l and unsubstant­iated attacks, but extending the attacks to my family and threatenin­g harmony among the people of South Africa was a step too far. “Enough is enough,” Gordhan said. He confirmed that his complaints related to multiple instances of public utterances and statements that had impugned his “dignity and good name”. He said Malema and Shivambu had unlawfully and intentiona­lly violated his dignity and privacy, personally and as a public official.

“The SAPS is also being asked to consider whether the public statements constitute incitement to violence in that Malema on November 20 said “there will be casualties. There could even be a loss of life.”

He is seeking an unconditio­nal apology from Malema and Shivambu in the Equality Court.

“Moreover, damages of R150 000 should be ordered by the court jointly and severally against Messrs Malema and Shivambu.”

“If successful, the damages claimed would be donated to a charity that supports job creation for unemployed youth.

“It is time for all South Africans to take a firm stand against racism, lies and fake news and contribute to the building of a united, non-racial and non-sexist democratic South Africa. We must all continue to fight corruption in the private sector and the state,” Gordhan said.

In reply, the EFF has vowed to open a criminal case against Gordhan today at the Brooklyn police station.

 ?? THOBILE MATHONSI African News Agency (ANA)
| ?? PUBLIC Enterprise­s Minister Pravin Gordhan laid charges against EFF leader Julius Malema and deputy president Floyd Shivambu at Brooklyn police station in Pretoria yesterday. In response, Malema tweeted that the party would lay charges against Gordhan today.
THOBILE MATHONSI African News Agency (ANA) | PUBLIC Enterprise­s Minister Pravin Gordhan laid charges against EFF leader Julius Malema and deputy president Floyd Shivambu at Brooklyn police station in Pretoria yesterday. In response, Malema tweeted that the party would lay charges against Gordhan today.
 ??  ??

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