The Mercury

Matric pupils urged to ‘rage’ responsibl­y


AS MOST National Senior Certificat­e (NSC) candidates finished their final exams yesterday, a word of caution was issued to those who participat­e in “matric rage parties”.

Mthandeni Dlungwana, KwaZulu-Natal’s MEC for Education, said as most candidates finished their last papers – English home language and English first additional language, paper three – yesterday, they should exercise moderation when partying.

“As the NSC exams draw to a close, we urge our pupils not to destroy their uniforms, but to donate them to schools for use by other pupils who are in need of such. We also urge them to celebrate responsibl­y and not participat­e in what they call Pens Down or Rage Concerts. They should also not indulge in drug and alcohol abuse,” he said.

Dlungwana thanked the pupils, teachers and parents for conducting themselves in a “responsibl­e and credible manner”.

“Throughout (this period), the department had no issues that could compromise the credibilit­y of exams.”

Western Cape MEC for Education Debbie Schäfer also cautioned matric pupils to use registered car and public transport services that would be available when travelling between venues if they were under the influence of alcohol.

“Always make sure there is a responsibl­e driver that is not under the influence of alcohol or substances that affect their ability to drive. Obey the rules of the road, avoid distractio­ns while driving, avoid late night driving or driving when you are tired, and ensure passengers are always buckled up,” Schäfer said.

The matric exams officially end tomorrow, when some pupils write Agricultur­e Management Practices and Design.

Marking starts on December 3.

 ?? African News Agency (ANA) ?? BELOW: Durban High School matric pupils Benvanildo Rodrigues, Lutho Ndamase, Cayden Pather, David Moodley, Thonli Ndwandwe, David Whitfield, Santhiran Pillay and Sumanth Ramlakkan are thrilled to have written their last matric paper, English. | Shelley Kjonstad
African News Agency (ANA) BELOW: Durban High School matric pupils Benvanildo Rodrigues, Lutho Ndamase, Cayden Pather, David Moodley, Thonli Ndwandwe, David Whitfield, Santhiran Pillay and Sumanth Ramlakkan are thrilled to have written their last matric paper, English. | Shelley Kjonstad

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