The Mercury

‘Rid ANC lists of tainted leaders’


COSATU has warned the ANC that opposition parties will easily out-campaign it in the run-up to the general elections if it does not remove its tainted leaders from the elections list processes.

This comes as the ANC remains at pains to explain the reasons why it cannot act against its top politician­s implicated in alleged criminalit­y in the Zondo commission into state capture.

The leaders include Environmen­tal Affairs Minister Nomvula Mokonyane and ANC MP Vincent Smith, accused of being among top politician­s who received monthly bribes from controvers­ial company Bosasa.

Yesterday, Cosatu general secretary Bheki Ntshalints­hali said the ANC had to ensure that none of the people fingered in wrongdoing were made public representa­tives of the party.

“We are calling on all those implicated in state capture and the VBS looting scandal to recuse themselves from ANC elections list processes.

“The ANC has enough capable and honest people in its ranks. The ANC should not be recycling compromise­d, tainted characters,” he said.

Cosatu president Zingiswa Losi said opposition parties would use the ANC’s tainted list to out-campaign the party. The ANC had a duty to uphold its resolution­s on ethical leadership by dealing with those implicated, she said. “The Nasrec conference of the ANC agreed that the integrity of the organisati­on must be protected from anyone tainted by corruption, particular­ly those individual­s who have failed to come out and say ‘I want to state my case’.”

Losi slammed those who kept quiet despite explosive allegation­s of criminalit­y against them, saying they were endangerin­g the ANC’s electoral prospects. “When your name gets mentioned and you are not saying anything, you are leaving us, and particular­ly the voters, to believe that what is said about you has a potential of being correct.”

The ANC has said its candidate lists for legislatur­es and Parliament would be subjected to a vetting process. Cosatu deputy president Mike Shingange stressed that the federation was assisting in the the vetting process by calling for tainted individual­s to be kicked off the list. “The list the ANC must emerge with is one that must make the ANC electable and make the ANC government function well, so the names that appear in the state capture and every other inquiry will make the ANC to be not easily electable.”

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