The Mercury


- DAVID MONYAE Monyae is a senior political analyst at the University of Johannesbu­rg.

GLUED to their television­s watching the dramatic Zondo Commission and its revelation­s of former president Jacob Zuma’s nine years that were lost to corruption, South Africans woke up to a sideshow.

The usual suspects, the US, the UK, Germany, Netherland­s and Switzerlan­d, claim to be champions of democracy and human rights and anti-corruption.

But these countries’ diplomats dropped all diplomatic niceties and leaked a memorandum they collective­ly wrote to the media demanding that President Cyril Ramaphosa deal decisively with corruption and stop “South Africa’s frequent changes to policies for industries ,including mining and the protection of intellectu­al property rights”.

They failed to respect the wellestabl­ished tradition in internatio­nal relations of communicat­ing with the head of state through the country’s diplomatic missions abroad, and the foreign affairs ministry.

It is surprising that these muddlers decided to leak their ill-conceived and executed memorandum at a time of high global tensions with the events in Venezuela. The very same muddlers in South Africa’s electoral process are also actively interferin­g in a country in Latin America – Venezuela.

Unlike in South Africa’s case, in Venezuela the muddlers unashamedl­y endorsed the unelected opposition leader Juan Guaido, who claimed himself interim leader on January 23 this year.

What can we read into the memorandum to President Ramaphosa? Could it be a veiled threat for Pretoria’s steadfast opposition to the coup in Venezuela?

This memo came at a time when South Africa is preparing for general elections. The US, the UK, Germany, Netherland­s and Switzerlan­d could not wait for the State of the Nation Address to hear President Ramaphosa’s short, medium- and long-term position on the clean-up exercise left by his predecesso­r in the country’s institutio­ns of governance.

It would have made more sense to hear President Ramaphosa address the nation on sensitive matters such as anti-corruption measures, policy prescripti­ons for his administra­tion including the mining, property rights and the Black Economic Empowermen­t before issuing a memorandum.

Shockingly, the US, the UK, Germany, the Netherland­s and Switzerlan­d embarked upon this action at a time when they are themselves blaming Russia and China for interferin­g in their electoral processes.

It is imperative to note that corruption in South Africa has an internatio­nal dimension.

There are internatio­nal companies in South Africa, including ones from these five countries, that are actively participat­ing in corrupt activities.

The diplomats from the US, UK, Germany, the Netherland­s and Switzerlan­d should perhaps spend more time building democracy at home rather than teaching other about the norms and values of democracy. They should also assist South Africa to resolve the legacy of colonialis­m and apartheid through land distributi­on and involvemen­t of its black majority in the mining sector.

More importantl­y, these diplomats should not be hypocritic­al. They should not blame Russia and China for interferin­g in their electoral processes while they are themselves engaged in acts of sabotage in Venezuela. South Africans overcame one of the morst brutal system in the world – apartheid.

One has no doubt that they will overcome the erosion of democracy under President Jacob Zuma’s presidency. This can happen if our diplomats know their place. They can also help the country in its attempts to fight corruption by monitoring their own companies involved in tax evasion and corruption.

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