The Mercury

China, SA are taking great strides together

People’s Republic celebrates 70th anniversar­y with a joint vision for the future

- FEI MINGXING This is an extract of a speech by the Chinese Consul General in Durban, Fei Mingxing, at a recent gala evening celebratin­g the 70th Anniversar­y of the founding of the People’s Republic of China

I WOULD like to express our heartfelt appreciati­on to the KwaZulu-Natal provincial government and the eThekwini Municipali­ty, friends of all walks of life, members of Chinese institutio­ns and community in KZN, for your understand­ing of, co-operation with, and support for China and Chinese people throughout the past 70 years.

In these 70 years, especially during the 40 years of reform and opening up under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, through the hard endeavour of Chinese people, China has made outstandin­g achievemen­ts in building socialism with Chinese characteri­stics.

China is now the world’s second largest economy, largest industrial country, largest trader in goods, and biggest holder of foreign exchange reserves.

Over 740 million people have been lifted out of poverty. People’s life expectancy has been increased to 76.7 years last year from 35 in 1949.

There have been remarkable achievemen­ts in manned space flight, lunar exploratio­n, quantum science, deep-sea exploratio­n, supercompu­ting and satellite navigation.

China has resumed the exercise of sovereignt­y over Hong Kong and Macau and implemente­d “one country two systems” in both regions.

The Chinese people are now united and confidentl­y working toward rejuvenati­on of the nation.

In the 70 years, China has become closely integrated with the world. The People’s Republic of China restored its lawful seat in the UN. China has become a member of the World Trade Organisati­on and is a strong force for multilater­alism.

China proposed the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind.

China has been contributi­ng more than 30% of world economic growth for years and plays a significan­t role in promoting peace and the progress of mankind.

In the 70 years, Chinese people have supported South African people in their fight against apartheid and their pursuit for economic and social progress.

The new South Africa and China establishe­d diplomatic relations in 1998, and our bilateral relations have realised a triple jump from partnershi­p to strategic partnershi­p and now to comprehens­ive strategic partnershi­p.

Our relations boast four advantages of political mutual trust, economic complement­arity, people-to-people friendship and internatio­nal co-ordination, and are underpinne­d by four co-operation platforms, namely the Forum on China-Africa Co-operation (Focac), Brics, BRI, and South-South Co-operation, bringing more and more tangible benefits to our two peoples.

Last year, our two-way trade reached US$43.5 billion (R656bn), a 27-fold increase from the beginning of our diplomatic relations. Chinese business has invested more than US$25bn in South Africa and created more than 400000 local jobs.

In KZN, Chinese companies such as Cosco Shipping, ZPMC, YOA and Huawei have been strengthen­ing their co-operation with local partners.

A group of Chinese artists recently performed at the Reed Dance for the first time and were overwhelmi­ngly received.

Chinese community members have opened many factories and training centres in Newcastle, Mandini and the Bluff, and rushed to the aid of floodstric­ken brothers and sisters in Durban in April with blankets, biscuits,shoes and other items.

Ladies and gentlemen, the year 2019 celebrates the 70th anniversar­y of the founding of new China, the 25th anniversar­y of the new South Africa and the 20th anniversar­y of the launching of the Chinese Consulate in Durban.

China is currently dedicated to its “two centenary goals”, namely building a moderately prosperous society in all respects by the centenary of the CPC (in 2021) and building a modern socialist country by the centenary of the People’s Republic of China in the middle of this century. South Africa aims to eliminate poverty and reduce inequality by 2030. And KZN strives to be a prosperous province by 2035, with a healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, a gateway to Africa and the world.

Chinese President Xi Jinping said: “The Chinese and African people should enhance unity, co-operation, mutual support and assistance to make our dreams come true.

“As close friends, partners and brothers, let’s jointly redouble our efforts and join our hands for building a community with a shared future for China and South Africa.”

May China and South Africa be prosperous! May friendship between China and South Africa and our peoples be everlastin­g.

 ?? | THOMAS PETER Reuters ?? PEOPLE attend a reception at the Great Hall of the People, marking the 70th anniversar­y of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, in Beijing yesterday.
| THOMAS PETER Reuters PEOPLE attend a reception at the Great Hall of the People, marking the 70th anniversar­y of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, in Beijing yesterday.
 ?? | THOMAS PETER Reuters ?? Chinese President Xi Jinping attends a reception at the Great Hall of the People yesterday.
| THOMAS PETER Reuters Chinese President Xi Jinping attends a reception at the Great Hall of the People yesterday.

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