The Mercury




At a trial for burglary, a witness was asked to describe someone he saw leaving the scene. “The person had a medium build and a beard,” he testified.

“And was this individual male or female?” an attorney asked.

“Unless the circus was in town,” was the dry reply, “I’m going with male.”

When you’re a defender, clues are available from the bidding, partner’s opening lead and declarer’s play. In today’s deal, West led the jack of clubs against four hearts, and South won with the ace and let the nine of trumps ride.

Making Four

When East took the queen, he led a diamond. South won, forced out the ace of trumps, won the next diamond, drew trumps, lost a spade to the ace and claimed. Making four.

East missed an inference. If South’s trumps were A-9-x, he surely would have cashed the ace before taking a second-round finesse. When East is in at Trick Three, he must lead the ace and a low spade. Then, when West takes the ace of trumps, he gives East a spade ruff for down one. Daily Question

You hold: A2 Q72 Q 10 5 4 2 8 6 5.

♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ Your partner opens one spade, you respond 1NT, he bids two hearts and you return to two spades. Partner next bids three diamonds. What do you say?

Answer: Partner’s third bid not only shows game interest (despite your weak preference) but improves your hand mightily. You have three “working” honors. Bid five diamonds. His hand may be K J 6 5 4, A K 6 5, A J 7 6, None. If he goes on to six diamonds, he will make it. South dealer N-S vulnerable

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