The Mercury

Caribbean pearl’s descent to disaster


HAITI is a country located on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola off the Dominican Republic. It has a surface area of 27 750km2 with an estimated population of 11 million (2018), 95 percent of whom are of African descent.

The country represents the greatest symbol of Africannes­s outside the African continent. Native Haitians were pre-Columbian Amerindian­s called Taíno, “the good people”. The Taíno named their land “Ayiti”, meaning “Land of Mountains” – a term that evolved into “Haiti”.

Haiti proclaimed its independen­ce on January 1, 1804, after a prolonged armed struggle against French colonial rule.

It was a prosperous colony that supplied France with threequart­ers of its wealth.

It was the only successful slave revolution in the world and made an immense contributi­on to humanity, since it modified the geopolitic­al order of slavery worldwide.

As a result of the proclamati­on of independen­ce, France imposed a debt of more than $20 billion (R305bn) and the developmen­t of Haiti was very limited.

Haiti’s future is conditione­d by its vast public debt, which in 2017, was $2 666m and in 2018 it reached 33.02 percent of the gross domestic product.

This debt comes in large part from the agreement that has provided Haiti privileged access to Venezuelan oil through Petrocarib­e.

In the 18th century, St Dominique (Haiti) was the richest colony in the French Empire and was known as the “Pearl of the Antilles”. Today Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, with a GDP per capita of $870 in 2018.

The country operates under a semi-presidenti­al political regime, following the constituti­on approved in 1987, after the long dictatorsh­ip (30 years) of the Duvaliers.

Haití and Canada are the only two independen­t nations in the Americas that have French as an official language.

The problems of political instabilit­y, low productive capacity, corruption, foreign interventi­onism and poverty have negatively marked the history of this fighting people. To all this we must add the frequent natural disasters.

In 2010, an earthquake killed hundreds of thousands of people and left the country even more devastated, without infrastruc­ture or supplies. In 2016, Hurricane Matthew created a new humanitari­an crisis. The combinatio­n of external and endogenous factors has made this country one of the poorest in the world.

The country has also been affected by lack of strategic infrastruc­ture which can improve the welfare of its people.

There is no national grid and electricit­y is provided by a small number of independen­t companies which has allowed its provision to be limited only to the more privileged part of the society making the vicious cycle of poverty continue.

Recently, alleged acts of corruption have appeared regarding the management of the funds coming from this programme.

The case came to light as a result of an investigat­ion by Haiti’s Superior Court of Accounts and could involve members of the current government who allegedly appropriat­ed millions of dollars for projects not executed.

As a result, violence has returned to the streets, especially in the capital of Port-au-Prince, with vast protests that were escalated on February 7, the day that President Jovenel Moise completed two years in office.

Neil de Beer is president of Investment Fund Africa (, and advises numerous African states on economic developmen­t.


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