The Mercury

Redemption time for Gabuza, Ngobeni


THE battle that could decide where the MTN8 trophy goes on Saturday night at Orlando Stadium will be fought by two men seeking redemption. SuperSport United’s Thamsanqa Gabuza and Highlands Park’s Thela Ngobeni have struggled to find lasting love on the pitch.

The forward is walking with an extra bounce in his step at Matsatsant­sa a Pitori where he feels love. He didn’t get much of that at Orlando Pirates, clashing with his own fans and at one point throwing his shirt to them before he walked off the pitch before half-time. So, when he left the Sea Robbers’ ship to join the blue army, not many tears were shed in Orlando. But Gabuza has an opportunit­y to leave his old stomping ground as a champion, months after leaving it, while the Buccaneers are in troubled waters.

SuperSport have showered him with love, in return he has scored three goals in three games in the MTN8 in a commanding display. His strike partner, Bradley Grobler, has been raving about Gabuza.

“I had no doubt that he was the right person for the job,” Grobler said. “When (SuperSport chief executive) Stan Matthews called me at the beginning of the season to say that they are considerin­g bringing him here, I jumped straight away that if ever there is the right person for this team, it’s him. Not just the way he plays but his attitude, everything about him fits into the way we work as a club. That shows in how he has adapted. I think that he is full of confidence at the moment. I have always rated him highly as a player, not necessaril­y to score goals but his hold up play and his work rate. Everything is exceptiona­l. I am not surprised at all that he has started so well.”

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