The Mercury

Battered country will not be able to afford a longer lockdown


THERE have been many comments on whether the lockdown will continue after April 16, and other concerns such as businesses that will not be in a position to reopen, the potential of phenomenal job losses and the repercussi­ons.

We anticipate that the lockdown cannot continue in the interest of our country and its people, based on the state of the economy as well as the catastroph­ic economic impact a longer lockdown would have.

The 21-day lockdown was driven by the global move to manage the internal spread of the virus.

This needs to be reduced to manageable levels in order for private and public hospitals to cope with admissions for ICU beds and ventilator­s.

There will not be a magical halt to the infections, but the rate of infection will slow down.

After the lockdown there won’t be a return to normality for at least three months. This means that there will have to be serious restrictio­ns, which could include:

1. A curfew from 6pm to 5am.

2. All businesses, except essential services, close by 6pm.

3. Masks be compulsory when one leaves home.

4. Domestic and internatio­nal flights be discourage­d.

5. Travel between provinces be controlled.

6. Testing to continue at a faster pace. We hope that the pinprick test will be available.

7. Maximum numbers at gatherings reduced to a maximum of 20.

The government, private sector and businesses are feeding and supporting our needy communitie­s.

However, do the private and NGO sectors have the funds and capacity to continue with the feeding and support for longer than 21 days?

We also need to dissect the various areas that have to be considered, be it health care, social services, business support, or relief co-ordination in order to ensure scenario planning prepares us for the next few months. We are in for a rough ride. Even the establishe­d, financiall­y well-off businesses will be affected since job losses and poverty mean fewer buyers, lower sales, lower profits and so on. It is going to take every citizen to make sacrifices to save South Africa.

As Muslims are soon to observe the month of Ramadaan (month of fasting), the Ulema (Muslim theologian­s) need to plan for various scenarios in the event of restrictio­ns to gatherings, for example a database of hufaaz (religious scholars) and numerous venues to keep in line with gathering limits for taraweeh (prayer practised by Muslims during the fasting month). Each one of us needs to play our part.

We cannot underestim­ate the impact of this crisis and we pray to the Almighty to guide us, protect us and save us.

SOLLY SULEMAN | President Minara Chamber of Commerce

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