The Mercury

Soldiers in apparent mutiny

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MUTINEERIN­G soldiers rounded up a number of senior civilians and military officials from Mali’s capital and drove them back to their base yesterday, a Malian security source and an official in the prime minister’s office said.

Unconfirme­d rumours that the mutineers had arrested President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita swept Bamako, prompting hundreds of anti-government protesters to pour into a central square to celebrate.

Neither source said who the officials were nor how many had been arrested. The president’s office could not be reached for comment.

“Yes, mutiny. The military has taken up arms,” the security source said earlier after residents reported hearing gunshots. It was not clear how many soldiers were involved.

A military spokespers­on confirmed gunshots were fired at the base in Kati, 15km from the capital, but said he did not have any further informatio­n.

A mutiny in 2012 at the base led to a coup that toppled then-President Amadou Toumani Toure and contribute­d to the fall of northern Mali to jihadist militants, who continue to operate across the north and centre of the country.

A European diplomat said a small number of members of the National Guard, apparently angered by a pay dispute, had seized a munitions depot yesterday but were then reported to have been surrounded by other government troops.

A French military source said discussion­s were taking place between the army command and the mutineers.

In Bamako, hundreds of people poured into the square, calling for Keita to quit over alleged corruption and worsening security.

“Whether he’s been arrested or not, what is certain is that his end is near. God is granting our prayers. IBK is finished,” said Haidara Assetou Cisse, a teacher, referring to the president by his initials.

“We have come out today to call for the resignatio­n of Ibrahim Boubacar Keita. Because we heard there were shots fired by the military and we have come out to help our soldiers get rid of IBK,” opposition supporter Aboubacar Ibrahim Maiga said.

Protesters attacked the justice minister’s personal offices, setting parts of them on fire, a witness said.

Elsewhere in the capital, government ministry buildings were evacuated, an official said, and gunfire was heard near the prime minister’s office, according to a security source.

The offices of state television ORTM were also evacuated, said Kalifa Naman, a senior ORTM official. There have been no reports of an attack on state TV.

A Bamako resident said armed men had shut access to two bridges across the Niger River in the city. It was not clear who the armed men were.

The US envoy to West Africa’s Sahel region, J Peter Pham said: “The US is opposed to all extra-constituti­onal changes of government.”

The Economic Community of West African States regional bloc called on the soldiers to return to their barracks, while asking concerned Malian parties to favour dialogue to resolve the crisis.

The French and Norwegian embassies urged their citizens to stay home.

The protests against Keita represent Mali’s worst political crisis since the 2012 coup. At least 14 people have been killed in the demonstrat­ions.

Regional powers worry that unrest could derail the fight against Islamist militants. Their presence has rendered areas of Mali ungovernab­le.

Keita had hoped concession­s to opponents would help stem the dissatisfa­ction, but the protest leaders have rejected proposals to join a power-sharing government.

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Reuters ?? OPPOSITION supporters in Independen­ce Square in Bamako, Mali, react to news of a possible mutiny of soldiers at the nearby military base in Kati, yesterday. The sign reads: ‘Down with France and its governor’.
| Reuters OPPOSITION supporters in Independen­ce Square in Bamako, Mali, react to news of a possible mutiny of soldiers at the nearby military base in Kati, yesterday. The sign reads: ‘Down with France and its governor’.

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