The Mercury

Govender just what Cricket SA needs


CRICKET South Africa (CSA) has endured a rough couple of years. In fact, that’s a mild assessment of the terrible state the nation’s cricket organisati­on finds itself in.

Chief executive Thabang Moroe is serving a suspension, and faces eight charges of misconduct, while senior former members of staff Naasei Appiah and Clive Eksteen are both contesting their recent dismissals in court.

Furthermor­e, in the Covid-19 climate, lucrative sponsorshi­ps and television rights are increasing­ly difficult to secure.

And then, of course, former black players and coaches have also stood up strongly in unison and given powerful and disturbing details about racism in the game since unity.

A CSA delegation was originally meant to appear in Parliament today to explain why the results of a forensic audit relating to Moroe’s suspension have not been made public and how they were going to deal with the allegation­s of racism.

That appearance has been postponed, but this is the arena new acting chief executive Kugandrie Govender has entered.

It is such a pity because CSA deserves a lot of credit for appointing Govender as the first woman to head the organisati­on.

Instead of us heralding her appointmen­t as a victory for transforma­tion in every sense, Govender will immediatel­y have to try to rectify all the mistakes her male colleagues have made over the past 18 months.

She will bring the experience of working in media sales and sponsorshi­p for more than a decade to the table, which will stand her in good stead in mending relationsh­ips.

Govender does not come with the baggage of her predecesso­rs and she is certain to work tirelessly to bring together the divided fractions in CSA.

She is extremely passionate about her creation of “Black Day” – a match between the Proteas’ and Australian Women’s teams to highlight genderbase­d violence. That has been postponed due to Covid-19, but let’s hope she can restart the project soon.

CSA should do everything in power to support Govender.

From our side, we congratula­te her warmly on her appointmen­t and wish her everything of the best.


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