The Mercury

The case of French ex-president Sarkozy

- THE IDLER There was a young girl of old Natchez Whose clothes were always in patchez. | DEVIN J MONROE

NICHOLAS Sarkozy, former president of France, has been sentenced to jail time for corruption (though not while he was in office).

Former US president Donald Trump has rushed to his defence, according to the New Yorker. Trump issued a statement saying prison for the ex-president of France set a “horrible precedent”.

Trump called the corruption case against Sarkozy a “rigged hoax” and said he was mulling options to help him, including running for president of France himself so he could offer the ex-president a pardon.

Reacting to Trump’s statement, current French President Emmanuel Macron said the most remarkable thing was that he spelled both “president” and “precedent” correctly.

Yes, this is rascally satirist Andy Borowitz having fun again. Trump remains a target.

Ghastly contests

THIS cock-fighting is more dangerous than might be imagined. A man in India was killed by his own fighting cock as he tried to ready it for a bout, according to the BBC.

The cock had been fitted with a knife. When the owner grabbed the bird, it struggled and impaled him in the groin with the knife. He bled to death while being taken to hospital.

It happened in the village of Lothunur, in Telengana state.

Cock-fighting is illegal in India, but is still widespread in the rural districts. The fighting cocks fitted with knives? How ghastly can it get?

Cock-fighting is, of course, driven by gambling. They don’t tell us, but we presume nobody put money on the outcome in this case.

Shocked, appalled

STANDARDS dropping? A Letter to the Editor in Britain:

“Sir – I was shocked and appalled to read (February 24) that a respected Cambridge College such as Jesus should be considerin­g a plan to move the funeral monument of Tobias Rustat “from its chapel into a disused wine cellar”.

“Has the college sunk into such a state that it possesses a wine cellar that is disused? One trusts that the rest of the university is in better fettle. “Charles Love

“Queens’ College 1955-58, Harrogate.”

Limerick time

WE GREET the weekend with an Ogden Nash limerick.

When comment arose On the state of her clothes, She drawled: ‘When Ah itchez, Ah scratches.’


A FELLOW walks into a bar with a small dog, which he places on the piano stool.

The dog proceeds to play some lively tunes.

But then a big dog comes in, grabs the little one by the scruff of the neck and drags him outside.

Bartender: “Hey, that little dog is fantastic! But what’s it with the big dog?”

“Oh, that’s his mother. She wants him to be a doctor.”

Last word

THE phrase “action speaks louder than words”, is most easily proven by a swift kick to the genitals.

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