The Mercury

Cash squeeze aims to collapse commission


I CANNOT fathom the short-sightednes­s and foolishnes­s when I came across articles reporting that investigat­ors and lawyers contracted by the Zondo Commission have not been paid for the past five months – since October last year – because of a shortage of funds, although they have been promised the cash by the government.

To my surprise, nothing was allocated by Finance Minister Tito Mboweni in this year’s Budget either, except his comment that no more money would be allocated. But even though in the previous year’s Budget an allocation of R273 million was allocated, still no funds have been received so far by the commission and I wonder why.

Some of these highly qualified profession­als are still effectivel­y working for free as volunteers or on a pro bono basis. If this is not a daylight sabotage to undercut the commission’s good work, then I don’t know what is, because now the so-called untouchabl­es, who are the ones directly involved, are terrified and they will do everything in their power to undercut and collapse the commission.

Especially now that most of the culprits have been uncovered and named on a daily basis and the commission is at the end of its term, some people from the very top of the government are trying to make sure that it will never come to a conclusion and a final report will never be produced or see the light of day, so no prosecutio­ns will ever start and take place.

Small wonder Zuma refused once more to appear before the commission although he and the Guptas sit at the heart of the allegation­s of state capture, as he knows that the commission’s life will be short-lived.


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