The Mercury

The US dollar and globalism


THE annual World Economic Forum (WEF) gathering of the rich and powerful at Davos tends to focus on style rather than substance.

That was apparent from the media silence accorded to prominent WEF intellectu­al Klaus Schwab’s call for an end to the capitalist system as we know it.

Under what he terms “The Great Reset”, Schwab wants cashless, global, banker totalitari­anism and the abolition of private property. In a word, he wants Orwelliani­sm.

Of primary importance to the Reset architects is the role of the US Federal Reserve, dealt a setback by Trump when in 2018 he reincorpor­ated it into the US Treasury.

By doing so, Trump displaced the independen­ce of the Fed. In terms of Article 1, section 8 of the US Constituti­on only Congress has the power “to coin money and to regulate the value thereof”. That function is not granted to a private institutio­n which is what the Fed is. Establishe­d in 1913, its existence is constituti­onally not in accord with the central principle of the US Constituti­on which is premised on the three introducto­ry words: “We the People...”

A glance at a US dollar note makes very clear the role of the Federal Reserve. At the top above the image of Washington, are the words “Federal Reserve Note”. In other words, the dollar is not issued by the US Treasury but is actually a debt note printed by the Fed and bought by the US Government from the Fed at a cost in interest. The Fed determines interest rates, not the US Treasury. And the Fed creates those dollars out of fresh air.

By re-establishi­ng control over the issue of coin and backing it up with gold, Trump aimed to stabilise the dollar and put an end to the endless arbitrary manipulati­on of money and its value by an unelected power.

Trump’s action infuriated the central banking system which is the driver of globalism – the very opposite of Trump’s “America First” policy. And that was the underlying reason why the mainstream media, which is owned by the financial elite, subjected Trump’s administra­tion to a relentless vindictive vendetta.

What is also frustratin­g the central bank moguls is the rise of Bitcoin and the resurgence of gold. As purveyors of a fiat money system, the central bankers do not want people to be independen­t of them which is what Bitcoin and gold facilitate.

The fact that Bitcoin and gold have hit highs of late, is an embarrassm­ent to the central bankers because those highs are reflective of the declining value the market places on their fiat currency, the Fed dollar.

The choppy waters of global economics are all part of a titanic struggle being waged between the proponents of globalism and their agenda to extend control over the world’s greatest sovereign state, the US, and those who seek to retain and sustain US sovereignt­y.

The Biden administra­tion is simply the servant of the globalists and their Reset agenda. This is evident from Biden’s flurry of executive orders reversing Trump’s initiative­s.

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