The Mercury

Why is Covid-19 being promoted as a pandemic?


CONTROVERS­Y has beset the handling of the Covid-19 virus from the outset and with the suggestion that a “third wave” is already apparent in Durban (The Mercury, June 2), it is time some aspects of Covid were cleared up.

If Covid-19 constitute­d a “pandemic”, we would be seeing people dying in the streets and the morgues overflowin­g.

That is what happened during the Black Death in parts of Europe in the 14th century. Instead, despite the draconian measures against the spread of Covid-19, statistics show there has not been a drastic increase in the average death rate.

While the scientists at DUT (Durban University of Technology) may well detect a spike in viral loads in waste water, which they claim indicates the onset of a new bout of Covid-19, the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test which has been used to indicate Covid-19 cases has been deliberate­ly abused so as to bolster the perception that there is a pandemic.

The PCR test as ordered by the Centres for Disease Control (CDC) was never designed to detect organisms that can cause disease above a rate of 28 cycles. Yet PCR tests overseen by the CDC are set at 37 to 45 cycles and thereby produce results that are invalid but which are used to fuel the perception that Covid’s prevalence is a pandemic.

Aggravatin­g how we navigate through Covid and the lifestyle that politician­s and the mass media have imposed and promoted is the question of treatment. The word “vaccine” has become the panacea.

Yet extremely knowledgea­ble medical men such as cardiologi­st Dr Peter McCullough, in testimony before the US Senate advised against vaccines because they are still on a trial basis and need at least another 30 months of testing.

Of 190 000 Americans who received the vaccine between December 18 and May 7, over 4 000 have died. In Europe more than 10 000 out of some 300 000 have died, many within three days of getting the jab.

Sadly, Big Pharma, allied with the mass media and the CDC, have denigrated the use of ivermectin in combating Covid, despite 50 peer-reviewed studies which have endorsed its efficacy.

In Mexico City, with a population of 22 million, the use of ivermectin has resulted in a 76% drop in hospitalis­ations and deaths.

The government of Peru authorised the use of ivermectin in May 2020. As a result a 75% decrease in the death rate was achieved.

All of this begs the question: why is Covid being promoted as a pandemic? What is the motive behind the draconian eviscerati­on of civil liberties and the destructio­n of economies through lockdowns?

Why are vaccines being promoted when they are not certifiabl­e through lack of trials and testing?

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