The Mercury

5 delicious ways to reuse pumpkins or seeds after Halloween


HALLOWEEN is approachin­g, so there’s a good chance you have a pumpkin or two around your house.

They make great decoration­s, but once the carving and trick-ortreating are over, don’t toss them in the trash.

There are many great ways to use pumpkins when cooking in the weeks ahead. You can still use the inside to create some delicious and healthy meals.


Pumpkin seeds make a perfect addition to most smoothies. Grind up your pumpkin seeds ahead of time with a food processor and add some of the ground powder to your blender when you’re making your morning smoothie.

Make your own pumpkin spice latte

Pumpkin spice lattes contain almost no pumpkin. At around R60 a cup, a month’s worth of pumpkin spice lattes would cost you close to R2000. Instead, why not make your own pumpkin spice lattes using pumpkin puree from your carved pumpkin?

Toasted pumpkin seeds

One of the easiest and most common ways of using pumpkin seeds is to toast them in the oven for a seasonal snack.

Toss them in some salt and olive oil, spread on a foil-covered baking sheet, and bake at 180 degrees celsius for about half an hour or until the seeds are aromatic and golden brown.

Pumpkin pie

Pumpkin pie is most people’s favourite. Use the flesh from your carved pumpkin for this dish. Make sure to remove the seeds first and cut the flesh into chunks which you can then boil and season, before adding to a shortcrust pastry tart base.

Avocado toast

Pumpkin seeds are a good source of magnesium, omega-3, and omega-6 fatty acids, antioxidan­ts, fibre, and other nutrients that are good for your health.

Add them to your avocado toast for an extra-healthful boost.

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