The Mercury



We have found 30 words that can be made from the letters in the square, each of which uses the letter in the middle and contains at least four letters. We accept plurals but not proper nouns. Sometimes, we don’t publish all the words because of space constraint­s. We challenge you to beat the score above, and also to make at least one nine-letter word. Occasional­ly, there are two nine-letter words. If that’s the case give yourself bonus points!

Today’s Target:

Excellent: 30.

Good: 10; Very Good: 20;

acne acts acute aeon ales aloe alone also alto anole ante ascent ascot atone aunt auto cane canoe cantus case cast caste castle caul clan clause clean cleat coal coast coat cola CONSULATE costal east enact lace lactose lance lancet lane last late lean leas least loan locate lunate neat oaten ocean octane sale salon salt salute sane sate sauce scale scan seal seat slant slat slate solace stale stance steal sultan talon tesla tonal ulnae unlace unseal unseat

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