The Mercury




1 A backward work avers they are renegades (9)

8 Number of opponents (3) 9 Ten play badly, objective is score after foul (7,4)

11 Class initially on edge with boy going red (7)

12 Early law giver covered doctor’s two points (5)

13 Land to the south-west of Paradise (6)

15 Entry which may attract tax? (6)

17 Some gamblers go between a walk and a trot (5)

18 One of the new ‘in’ crowd? (7)

20 Player finds the exterior remaining? (7,4)

22 Is drunk after going to pot (3)

23 Held in esteem but gives Edward the creeps badly (9)


2 He didn’t quite make a versewrite­r, but he wrote ... (3)

3 ... of mystery, and imaginatio­n as let out (5)

4 Trifling with plaything and mixed gin (6)

5 Quiet! Woman is out to get exhibition­ist! (7)

6 Minor illnesses will be prevalent in refrigerat­ion plant (4,7)

7 Near trouble with perfume coming into being again (9) 10 Spread rumour widely of row overseas (5,6)

11 Save to act out ... (4,1,4)

14 ... role, etc, of person in polling (7)

16 Again, the spinster is careless (6)

19 The topic of the month emerging (5)

21 Daniel the writer debarred an enemy (3)

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