The Mercury



“Your honor,” the District Attorney stated, “we will prove that South committed a felony in this deal. He lost a cold slam.”

“Proceed,” the judge instructed, and the court kibitzed the evidence.

“At six hearts,” the DA began, “South won the first diamond with the ace, cashed the ace of spades and ruffed his queen in dummy. He next took the K-A of trumps. When East discarded, South conceded a trump and won West’s diamond return. South cashed his winners but lost a club at the end.” Losers

“My client is guilty of nothing,” South’s counsel roared. “He had two unavoidabl­e losers.” Did South misplay? South was felonious. After he wins the first trick, he should take the top trumps. When East discards, declarer’s only chance is an end play. He leads a spade to his queen (a necessary play), cashes the ace, takes the A-K of clubs and two more diamonds, and exits with a trump. West must lead a spade or a diamond, and South ruffs in dummy and discards his club loser.

Daily Question

You hold: ♠ 8 ♥ A 9 7 2 ♦ A K 8 ♣ K 6 5 4 2. You open one club, and your partner bids one spade. What do you say? Answer: This problem is stressful. You must act, but no call is ideal. A rebid of two clubs would suggest a six-card suit or at least a strong five-carder. A bid of two hearts would be a “reverse,” showing much more strength. Bid 1NT. If partner has A 7 6 5 3, K 8 5 3, Q 5 4, 3, you will find your heart fit. If he insists on spades, wish him luck.

South dealer

N-S vulnerable

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