The Mercury

Right-wing narrative should not dominate


I HAVE to respond to Dr Duncan Du Bois’s falsehoods regarding Donald Trump’s indictment­s (The Mercury, August 21).

I can understand the poorly educated, mostly racist Trump supporters believing his lies.

However, Du Bois, who claims to be a historian, repeating them makes me question that title. His use of the terms, “globalist agenda”, “deep state” and “Soros funded” are all code words for “the Jews who control the world”.

Trump did not comply when asked for the top-secret documents; he was flashing them to any guest that would listen at Mar a Largo. He was heard, and they have tapes, him telling unknown guests about plans to invade Iran. We have yet to see if he passed these secrets on to his close dictator pals.

It does not mean because Trump repeats that Biden had “1 850” secret files in his Goebelesqu­e way, that it’s true. Trump lies all the time, and that’s not hyperbole. The ones Joe Biden did have, his lawyers handed over to the National Archive as soon as they realised they had them. Mike Pence did the same. The only way Biden interfered in Ukraine when he was vice-president was to ask the then-government, to fire a corrupt prosecutor because he wasn’t prosecutin­g Burisma. The company that was supposedly paying the Biden kickbacks. Sounds logical.

Trump has yet to face charges regarding the J6 insurrecti­on. Yes, America does uphold its First Amendment but that’s not what he’s being charged with – the indictment calls “unlawful means of discountin­g legitimate votes and subverting the election results”.

Yes, Al Gore did lobby Florida officials to recount the vote because it was such a small margin and most historians believe he beat George Bush. Guess what Gore didn’t do. He did not incite violence or try to place fake electors like those Trump and co did in Georgia. The right wing always has to have a boogeyman. With Barack Obama, it was his birth certificat­e. With Hillary, it was Benghazi and her emails. With Biden, it’s his son, Hunter. Guess what, Hunter is not on the ballot.

Independen­t Media should fact check all his articles which are nothing but fake right-wing talking points.

 ?? | AFP ?? A SCHOOLBOY with his face painted performs during the Onam harvest festivitie­s in Chennai, India, yesterday.
| AFP A SCHOOLBOY with his face painted performs during the Onam harvest festivitie­s in Chennai, India, yesterday.

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