The Mercury

Sacrificin­g civilians for global sympathy


T MARKANDAN’S letter to The Mercury, titled “World condemnati­on of Israel grows”, demonstrat­es a complete misunderst­anding of the topic he discusses. Gaza experience­d five major flare-ups of fighting between Palestinia­n militants and Israel between 2006 and 2021.

Each of these wars – initiated by Hamas attacks on Israel through continuous rocket and terror assaults on civilian targets – resulted in devastatin­g consequenc­es for the people of Gaza.

One might wonder why an unsophisti­cated force such as Hamas would engage with the most powerful industrial, economic, and military country in the region.

The answer, for any discerning individual, lies in the belief that sacrificin­g civilians garners world sympathy. Hamas’s strategy, as immoral and obscene as it may be, has always been to use the deaths of its own people as a means to garner sympathy.

Dead Palestinia­ns serve as the cheapest currency Hamas uses to gain global support.

When Hamas launched their attack on Israeli settlement­s on October 7, they were well aware of the expected Israeli response.

They were disappoint­ed that no Israeli soldier had entered Gaza for almost three weeks. Israel’s initial response consisted of pinpoint aerial bombings, which could have ended the conflict and saved thousands of civilian lives.

However, for Hamas, such an outcome would have been a defeat. They required a higher death toll among Gazans to achieve their goals and are revelling in the rising casualties. Hamas, and only Hamas, are the true culprits of this conflict.

The conflict could cease instantly if Hamas were to surrender and release the hostages they are holding.

ALLAN WOLMAN | Tel Aviv, Israel

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