The Mercury

Herbal teas that help with coughs and colds


DRINKING tea has proven to be beneficial when suffering from a cough. Research indicates that tea helps the immune system naturally recover.

Tea has a soothing effect on a sore throat, offering prompt relief from coughing. In certain instances, it has proven to be more efficaciou­s than prescribed medication­s.

It also assists the body in expelling built-up mucus, thereby relieving discomfort associated with congestion.

Herbal teas, such as Rooibos are renowned for their anti-inflammato­ry properties, helping to combat coughs and colds.

Warm water infused with raw honey provides a natural remedy for coughs and colds, offering relief to a sore throat by reducing internal inflammati­on.

Raw honey has been shown to act as a natural cough suppressan­t and diminish mucus production. Adding honey to your preferred herbal tea can help loosen phlegm, alleviate discomfort and suppress coughs.

Teas infused with lemon, such as lemon balm tea or lemongrass tea, boast high levels of vitamin C and antioxidan­ts, bolstering the immune system and shielding against flu symptoms. Brewing multiple cups throughout the day can enhance immunity.

Renowned for its health benefits, green tea contains antioxidan­ts and polyphenol­s that combat inflammati­on, eliminate harmful bacteria, and enhance immunity.

Steep loose-leaf green tea for five minutes, then add a touch of raw honey for added soothing properties.

Ginger tea is a beloved choice, particular­ly in colder seasons, renowned for its anti-inflammato­ry and antioxidan­t properties. It may ease flu symptoms, soothe irritated throats, and relax airway muscles, reducing coughing.

Peppermint tea, rich in menthol, possesses antimicrob­ial, antioxidan­t, and anti-inflammato­ry properties, providing relief for sore throats and suppressin­g coughs while clearing blocked sinuses.

Chamomile tea contains flavonoids with soothing properties, ideal for consumptio­n before bed due to its calming effects. It reduces inflammati­on, alleviates throat pain, promotes restful sleep, and may alleviate symptoms of depression.

Echinacea, renowned for its ability to combat respirator­y infections, strengthen­s the immune system and reduces the risk of coughs and colds. Brewing echinacea tea offers a tasty means of reaping its protective benefits.

Licorice root tea, with its slightly bitter yet sweet-flavour profile, boasts antiviral and antibacter­ial properties, aiding in the fight against colds and coughs.

Packed with antioxidan­ts, elderberry tea derived from the dark berries of the elderberry plant can shorten the duration of cold and flu symptoms.

Rich in vitamin C and antioxidan­ts, hibiscus tea boosts the immune system and promotes rapid recovery from flu symptoms.

While various herbal teas offer relief, including honey tea, peppermint tea and licorice root tea, it's essential to select them judiciousl­y. If symptoms persist beyond three weeks, it's advisable to seek medical advice.

 ?? ?? TEA began as a medicine and grew into a beverage. | KamranAydi­nov from freepik
TEA began as a medicine and grew into a beverage. | KamranAydi­nov from freepik

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