The Rep

Our Lord will carry us through ...


JOHN was a soldier in World War II. He was a diligent and faithful soldier who carried out his tasks with all the pride and commitment towards his country and fellow citizens.

Later in the war John became very depressed and emotional after he witnessed how many of his fellow soldiers had died at the hands of the opposition.

After his duties in the evenings he drank until he fell asleep in protest against the pain and thoughts of death that were haunting him. John became the enemy to himself and others who lived and worked with him. He became aggressive and sad all the time and alcohol became his saviour and his family.

Now, John had a wife and four children back home. They were waiting for him, praying for him, hoping and believing that their John was safe and would return home.

John never made it home - he died from malaria in the camp. His wife, Lorraine, never believed that her John had been drinking so heavily during this time but, hearing from his mates about the painful times at war, Lorraine believed and understood.

She kept asking herself what had kept her John going, knowing that he was longing to go home and that he was filled with pain and suffering?

Amid the cruelty and violence that John was experienci­ng, something made him not lose hope. Amid the heartache and blood that streamed from his heart and hands John was holding on to something that made him to stay closer to himself and his beliefs.

Lorraine was later visited by the captain and she kept asking the same questions of him.

The captain told Lorraine that John had something most of them and other soldiers did not - regardless of his drinking, he was praying continuous­ly. He never stopped praying for his family and his mates in the camp.

The Lord carried him. Even though he was weak, John was a pillar of strength and refuge for all those who knew him.

Lorraine, trying to wipe her tears with her black veil, said John’s power was restored by the anointing that the captain brought to her and the family, for John endured till the end to reclaim the power from God.

Prayer is powerful, for in John's weak moments he was actually stronger than a soldier for his country.

Pray continuall­y ...

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