The Rep



- Christine Hartzenber­g, an admin/operations manager

Q What do you do and what do you like about your job?


I am an admin/ operations manager at Khululeka Community Education Developmen­t Centre.

Changing young children’s lives by giving them access to quality early childhood developmen­t programmes is what I like about my job.

Q: What is the most important thing you have learnt in your career?

A: That the future of any person starts by investing in their childhood developmen­t.

Q: What does being a woman in SA mean to you?

A: SA needs strong women and prayer warriors.

Being a woman in SA means we all can make a difference if we work together for our country and not ourselves.

Q: What book are you reading right now?

A: The Little Coffee Shop of

Kabul, by Deborah Rodriguez.

Q: How do you relax?

A: I love to read, spend time with my family and friends and watch movies.

A: I want to portray the love of Jesus to others so that people, even if it’s only one person, know they are loved and that they were brought to this world for a special purpose.

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