The Rep

FACE 2 FACE with

- /Lola Engelbrech­t secretary

What does the job of a secretary entail?

As John Wesley Methodist Church secretary, I handle all queries regarding the church, and general admin duties.

What do you like about what you do?

I love interactin­g with so many different people, and no two days are the same.

What impact do you want to make?

I would love to see the church grow and thus spread the Word of God among people.

What makes you proudly South African?

The diversity of South Africa and South Africans’ ability to make the best of bad situations.

What pressing societal issue do you feel does not get enough attention?

The basic needs of the majority of the citizens and failing infrastruc­ture.

Who would you like to invite to your dinner table and why?

My family and friends. The people I feel most comfortabl­e with.

What book are you reading and what have you found interestin­g about it?

I am busy reading a book called Cringe the beloved country. It’s about all the strange and ridiculous things that have happened in South Africa in the past.

One of the things is that in the 1960s, two men actually formed an associatio­n to try get the mini skirt banned. They blamed the drought in the 1960s, among other things, on the mini skirt!

What has been this year’s highlight for you so far?

I am a great sports lover, so definitely the Springboks winning the Rugby World Cup and the Proteas doing so well in the Cricket World Cup.

What did you want to be when you were young?

I wanted to be a kindergart­en teacher. The closest I got was that I did have the opportunit­y to work at some nursery schools and I am also a Sunday school teacher.

What’s an ideal holiday for you?

At the sea or in a game reserve with family and friends.


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