The Rep

Martini leads club to big victory

QBBC takes 5 gold medals to win Mayor’s Cup

- TEMBILE SGQOLANA Ayabonga Ntabeni (Bhanda)

Queenstown Boys’ Boxing Club (QBBC) were crowned winners of the Enoch Mgijima Local Municipali­ty Mayor’s Cup on Saturday and its pugilist Aviwe Martini was crowned as the best boxer of the tournament.

QBBC boxers competed against Ilinge, Bhanda and Molteno boxing clubs in McBright village, near Komani, on Saturday.

In 11 entertaini­ng bouts, QBBC took first position, winning the trophy after taking home five gold medals and two silver medals.

They were followed by

Whittlesea’s Bhanda Boxing Club with two golds and four silver medals. In third place was Ilinge Boxing Club with two gold medals and two silver medals. Molteno occupied the last position with two gold medals and one silver medal.

The best bout was between Phumelelo Mbango of Molteno and Mihle Silandela of Bhanda Boxing Club, while Ayabonga Ntabeni of Bhanda versus Indiphile Sizani of QBBC was another highlight.

Martini’s bout with Olwam Tom was the main event of the day and it did not disappoint.

A combinatio­n from Martini saw Tom getting angry and missing crucial punches which could have helped him knock

Martini out. However, the ever joyful Martini was cruising with his body punches.

In all three rounds, Martini had the upper hand, delivering his punches in the right places to earn crucial points.

After three entertaini­ng rounds, Martini won the bout on a 2-1 judges’ decision and claimed the best boxer of the tournament, a recognitio­n he shared with his teammate Bongokuhle Mguzulwa.

QBBC coach Mabhuti Mapeyi said the tournament went well and his boxers showed why they are Enoch Mgijima’s top club when they won the tournament.


beat Indiphile Sizani (QBBC)

Khumula Sizani (QBBC) beat Akhanya Koti (Bhanda)

Zukhanye Stuurman (Bhanda) beat Amohle April (Molteno)

Lunothi Mtsha (QBBC) beat Alime Dyani (Ilinge)

Bongokuhle Mguzulwa (QBBC) beat Sphamandla Mseti (Ilinge)

Minentle Mamani (Ilinge) beat

Lingomso Nakwa (QBBC)

Khumbula Sizani (QBBC) beat Akhanya Koti (Bhanda), and

Aviwe Martini (QBBC) beat Alwam Tom (Ilinge).

 ?? Picture: TEMBILE SGQOLANA ?? LOOKING: Alwam Tom, from Ilinge Boxing Club, prepares to strike Aviwe Martini from QBBC in their bout on Saturday.
Picture: TEMBILE SGQOLANA LOOKING: Alwam Tom, from Ilinge Boxing Club, prepares to strike Aviwe Martini from QBBC in their bout on Saturday.

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