The Star Early Edition

Workers to march on Cosatu


SEVEN of Cosatu’s affiliates, that want metalworke­rs’ union Numsa immediatel­y reinstated into the federation, have not yet decided whether they will take part in the federation’s high-level meeting next week.

Instead, the unions’ Gauteng leaders said they were focusing on a march to Cosatu’s headquarte­rs in Joburg today.

The unions were to submit a memorandum to Cosatu’s leaders demanding Numsa’s reinstatem­ent, the immediate removal of Cosatu second deputy president Zingiswa Losi and an end to what they say is the victimisat­ion of union leaders and members supporting Numsa.

The unions also want Cosatu president S’dumo Dlamini to convene a special national congress as a matter of urgency.

The congress would allow for the election of new leaders and decide on the federation’s direction.

Cosatu is rent down the middle over Numsa’s expulsion. The ANC has been attempting to mediate a peace deal.

The ANC and Cosatu were originally due to meet tomorrow to continue talks, but the union leaders said the meeting had been postponed. They had, however, met Cosatu general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi this week.

Simphiwe Gada, the Gauteng chairman of the Democratic Nursing Organisati­on of SA, said the ANC’s previous political process to bring about unity had failed because Numsa had been expelled.

“The ANC process is under way, but we won’t be able to achieve the results we want,” Gada said.

“While that process happens, the reasons for the march are calls from workers who don’t sit in the PEC (provincial executive committee) and CEC (central executive committee).

“They want to say to Cosatu that they are concerned. The members deserve to go to Cosatu and voice their concerns.”

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