The Star Early Edition

Recipe for the perfect man: tall and macho


LONDON: It will come as no surprise to casting agents – but researcher­s have discovered that the most appealing men are tall, macho and 35.

This emerged as the best combinatio­n in tests where the faces of real people were manipulate­d with computer technology and shown to a panel of 600 volunteers.

Men who had been made to look taller and more masculine gained the highest marks. The scoring – judged in terms of apparent dominance – peaked when the models seemed to be aged around 35.

A spokesman for the St Andrews University team said the study shed light on the casting choices made by film studios, as male leading roles are often played by actors who fit the dominance descriptio­n. Ryan Gosling and Jake Gyllenhaal are both 34, while Superman actor Henry Cavill and Magic Mike star Channing Tatum are 35.

Carlota Batres, who led the research, said: “A dominant appearance in male faces is associated with a variety of social outcomes, ranging from high rank attainment of cadets in the military to high levels of sexual activity in teenage boys.

“Dominant people are also favoured as leaders during times of intergroup conflict and are more successful leaders in the business world.” Batres pointed out that height was not always an impediment to fame.

Professor David Perrett, also of St Andrews, said: “Such perception­s may also follow reality: taller men being more formidable opponents and strength increasing with age until a man gets to his mid-30s.

“Plus, by 35, a man has likely built up enough knowledge to make him seem authoritat­ive or even cunning.”

Batres pointed out that height was not always an impediment to fame. “Tom Cruise is interestin­g because he does get cast to play a lot of dominant roles and he isn’t very tall. They often try to fix that by making sure he never looks too short compared to the other actors,” she said. – Daily Mail

 ??  ?? APPEALING: Ryan Gosling has the alpha male look that is most admired.
APPEALING: Ryan Gosling has the alpha male look that is most admired.

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