The Star Early Edition

Double Crossword




1 Cricketer's slip is filmed for training (8) 5 Burning a bra, to start with, and then hang around (6) 10 Creature at the heart of terracotta? (5) 11 Stretching one's legs after strong ill-treatment (9) 12 Dips in dose made on the sick list (10) 13 Such a lovely little sign of holiness (4) 15 Tangled lass in garden creepers (6) 17 Round of applause for dual operation in mine (7) 20 Speaking well of tourist's initial trip (7) 21 Bob-tailed cat in spring (6) 24 Oxygen compound not, for example, a gem (4) 25 Supporter of the Reformatio­n was ill-disposed to transept (10) 28 Pursuit of the Royal Yacht? (9) 29 Like small photograph of jelly mould (5) 30 Instincts are nut cracking (6) 31 Turncoat with a green pattern and decorative fringes (8)


1 Fashion is mooted to be the most changeable (8) 2 Fed up with pickled dates (5) 3 Half-hearted toilers rue work (10) 4 Large outcry raised over wound (6) 6 Central target of an optimistic speculator (4) 7 Trouble breaking into a gait (9) 8 Finished up bringing round horse with a hot drink (6) 9 Cheese race, in a nutshell (7) 14 Unhealthy but justified hate of soup (3,2,5) 16 Turn over any gun to a press advisor (5,4) 18 Chief in whatever sort of misrule (7) 19 Flexible organ lying half open in butchered cattle (8) 22 Count a game bird (6) 23 Basic arrangemen­t of petals (6) 26 Cut down on initial phase of initial character (5) 27 Starting to serve time in regular prison (4)



1 Spent extravagan­tly (8) 5 Sudden changeover (6) 10 Songlike (5) 11 Disliked (9) 12 Public display of products (10) 13 Multi-coloured gem (4) 15 Talkative (6) 17 Wrap up, swathe (7) 20 Salty or spicy (7) 21 Profession, occupation (6) 24 Extent of a two-dimensiona­l figure (4) 25 Womanish (10) 28 Opinion formed beforehand (9) 29 Line directed by an actor to the audience (5) 30 Somewhat (6) 31 Simple-minded (8)


1 Ability to meet one's debts (8) 2 Coniferous tree with deciduous needle-like leaves (5) 3 Lowest possible level (4,6) 4 Fairness (6) 6 Rub with a cloth (4) 7 Alexander Graham Bell's invention (9) 8 Barrier to be jumped in a race (6) 9 Nominate to an official position (7) 14 Behead (10) 16 Astonishme­nt (9) 18 Trade illegally (7) 19 Plants that grow like ivy (8) 22 Natty (6) 23 Rescind (6) 26 Nimble (5) 27 High-ranking nobleman (4)

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