The Star Early Edition

What should you do during a heatwave?

- – Ilanit Chernick

DON’T leave your children or pets alone in enclosed vehicles or confined areas.

Ensure that you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, even if you don’t feel thirsty.

Try to eat small meals and eat more often.

Try to postpone outdoor activities.

If you work outdoors, ensure that you take care of yourself by moving out of the sun into the shade often, and stay hydrated.

Don’t take part in any strenuous outdoor activities without a second person present to either relieve you or to call for help if something happens.

Ensure that you keep an eye out for elderly people who live alone or aren’t able to move around easily; they might need assistance. THE SIGNS OF HEAT EXHAUSTION: Dizziness Vomiting Muscle cramps Headaches Flushed skin

Excessive sweating

Ensure that you keep an eye out for elderly people


Remove the person out of direct sunlight into a shaded area and call for assistance.

Try to cool the person down gradually with a wet cloth or something similar.

Remove any tight multilayer clothing.

If the person is unconsciou­s, turn them on their side.

If the person has no altered level of consciousn­ess, give them small amounts of water to drink.

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