The Star Early Edition

Rotten education system department’s responsibi­lity

- Errol Horwitz

ANOTHER World Economic Forum ranking and South Africa has again been ranked last in maths and science education.

A spokespers­on for the Department of Basic Education reacted by claiming that the index was an attack on South Africa.

The absurdity of claim boggles the mind.

The spokespers­on also proffered that the rankings failed to include enough countries. The forum’s Global Competitiv­eness Index listed 140 countries.

There are about 196 countries in the world. Would South Africa’s ranking be

the demonstrab­ly improved if the remaining 56 countries had been included in the index? Wishful thinking.

The department continues to engage in chronic denial to avoid dealing with the most uncomforta­ble truth – South Africa’s shameful and rotten education system and its role in perpetuati­ng it.

Those in the Department of Basic Education must accept responsibi­lity for the appalling quality of the country’s education system, rather than assigning blame or making puerile excuses.

Fresnaye, Western Cape

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