The Star Early Edition

Plan to host parties at Oscar’s former home


OSCAR Pistorius’s family have refused to be drawn into the “bizarre issue” of a video about the disgraced athlete’s former home in Pretoria East.

It is the house in which he killed his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, which was sold and is now rented by business partners David Scott, 33, and Kagiso Mokoape, 23.

They were captured in the twominute video showcasing the inside of the house while holding what looked like beer cans. The video was posted on YouTube on Saturday by the two men.

“We will decorate the house in honour of what happened here and then we will invite people over,” Scott says in the video.

The two said they wanted to make the house a party house and invite people over when they hosted parties. “Every weekend it is going to go down here. You will find me here at Silverwood­s Country Estate,” Mokoape can be heard saying on the video.

At one point in the video, Scott is standing outside the house showing the window Pistorius claimed he thought an intruder must have gained access through into his home from a ladder which was left outside.

“If you’re on top there you may wonder to yourself, could that really be true. It’s the hardest place to get in the house,” Scott says.

He then shares his own version of what he thought happened that fateful morning.

“I know what happened. I can tell you now I have had girlfriend­s before. That night they had a fight.

“I can tell you now they had a fight… Oscar’s girlfriend did what a typical woman would do to any man, tried to double (cross) him, and with a syndrome that he has in any case with his legs being ampu- tated, he would have flipped easily.

“He went after her. She ran away, locked herself in the bathroom. Said she’s going to phone someone and Oscar shot her. That’s what happened,” Scott says on the clip.

The two men also go into the bathroom where Steenkamp was shot. Scott says it has been two years since she was killed, and they didn’t mean any disrespect.

Mokoape says at the end of the video: “I feel bad for Reeva’s parents. My heart goes out to her family indeed. What he did was wrong, it was never supposed to happen that way.”

Pistorius family spokeswoma­n Anneliese Burgess described the footage as bizarre and said there was no further comment.

Mining consultant Louwtjie Louwrens bought the house in August last year for R4.5 million. He said the plan was to move into the house once his wife had retired in two years.

He couldn’t be reached for comment last night.

At the time he bought the house, it had been standing empty for more than a year.

Pistorius is waiting to hear from the parole board when he can leave Kgosi Mampuru II prison in Pretoria, where he has served part of a five-year sentence.

Last night, a number of social media users commented on the “party house”.

Reg Erasmus: “What idiots. Karma visit them.”

Mesuli Bhakaniya Mahlangu: “Couldn’t be bothered.”

Nelson Mahasule Mahawani: “I would like to celebrate my birthday there.”

Adam Scott: “Siestog Scott. Maybe you should grow up first before throwing a party… You shouldn’t be saying the things you do, you were not there. If I was the owner I would’ve kicked you out.”

 ??  ?? CRIME SCENE: The house where Oscar Pistorius killed his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp has become a YouTube subject after a video emerged of the two men who are renting the home.
CRIME SCENE: The house where Oscar Pistorius killed his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp has become a YouTube subject after a video emerged of the two men who are renting the home.

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