The Star Early Edition

Ailing Krejcir has list of demands


RADOVAN Krejcir is a depressed man, apparently with serious medical problems as he needs to see a number of specialist­s, including a urologist, an oncologist, a dentist and a psychiatri­st.

This is according to a notice filed at the high court in Pretoria, in which Krejcir will today ask for an urgent order that the Department of Correction­al Services allow him to be examined and treated by a urologist, an oncologist as well as a dentist.

He also wants to receive further psychiatri­c treatment by a psychiatri­st, identified only as Dr Dikobe, or “any other suitable medical officer”. He also wants his television set returned to him.

His legal team headed to court yesterday with a list of demands, but it was agreed that the matter would be heard this afternoon.

While Krejcir’s team did not, at this stage, want to provide the media with the court papers, it emerged from the notice of motion that Krejcir wants to be provided with the following medication: Zoloft, for the treatment of depression; Xanor, to treat panic attacks; and Dormonoct, for the treatment of insomnia.

He also wants to “be allowed appropriat­e social interactio­n with other awaiting-trial prisoners”.

Life at Zonderwate­r prison near Cullinan clearly got more difficult for the Czech after alleged plans to escape from jail came to light recently.

It also seems that gone are the days that he and co-inmate Oscar Pistorius shared Krejcir’s gym equipment at Kgosi Mampuru II prison in Pretoria, as he is asking for an order that he be provided with exercise equipment.

Krejcir also wants to consult with his lawyers in private, and wants all his notebooks and documents, which were confiscate­d by the officials during a raid, to be sealed and handed over to his lawyers.

His lawyers will today ask Judge Joseph Raulinga that the contents of his personal medical informatio­n and the details of the treatment and diagnoses not be made public.

Krejcir last week also turned to the court, where Judge Hennie de Vos ordered Correction­al Services to ensure that he was examined by a doctor at the weekend. Krejcir claimed he was assaulted at the prison on October 3. It is not clear by whom or under what circumstan­ces.

The doctors are due to present their findings regarding the alleged assault.

A clearly homesick Krejcir also wants access to facilities so that he can have contact with his wife Katerina, son Dennis and other family members abroad.

The family were kicked out of the country in December, and according to earlier papers asking for their return, they are in the Czech Republic. They were declared prohibited persons when they left for holiday shortly before Christmas.

Dennis’s girlfriend Marlene Nezer earlier this year tried in vain to obtain an order securing their return.

It is expected that Correction­al Services will vigorously oppose Krejcir’s demands, as it employed one of the country’s top senior advocates, Marumo Moerane SC, to argue its case.

Krejcir also appeared in the high court in Joburg on Monday, guarded by hordes of police officers.

 ??  ?? SEEKING MEDICAL RELIEF: Radovan Krejcir’s legal team has filed high court papers.
SEEKING MEDICAL RELIEF: Radovan Krejcir’s legal team has filed high court papers.

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