The Star Early Edition

MPs urged to rein in SABC after it posts huge losses

AG’s office also fingers Icasa and advises broadcaste­r to start collecting licence fees to balance its books


THE OFFICE of the auditor-general has called for Parliament to rein in the SABC over its financial shambles, resulting in R413 million in irregular expenditur­e and R18.8m in fruitless and wasteful expenditur­e.

A corporate executive at the AG’s office, Alice Muller, yesterday called on MPs to tighten controls at the SABC.

She was briefing the port- folio committee on communicat­ions on the finances of the SABC and other entities, including the Independen­t Communicat­ions Authority of South Africa (Icasa), Brand SA and the Film and Publicatio­ns Board.

Muller said there was failure to rein in people in charge at the SABC and other entities.

“The lack of consequenc­e management at the SABC and Icasa – we mention these two because they have the highest irregular expenditur­e – was a serious concern,” she said.

The R413m irregular expenditur­e and R18.8m fruitless and wasteful expenditur­e at the SABC comes after the company posted a heavy financial loss this year.

The SABC suffered a loss of R401m due to issues of poor collection of licence fees and other matters. Briefing MPs, Muller said the SABC received a qualified audit opinion this year.

“They were disclaimed three years ago. When we disclaimed them in 2012, they had a number of qualificat­ion areas. This year they have three qualificat­ions areas. This is licence fees, and there is qualificat­ion on taxation. They are qualified on irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditur­e,” Muller pointed out.

“A lot is happening at the SABC to deal with qualificat­ions. We have asked the management to deal with issues of internal control,” she said.

She said there were a number of things that needed to be done to get the SABC right.

“We assessed the SABC on their financial health, and they will be in a healthy position if they recovered the licence fees and the losses this year,” Muller added.

She said the SABC and Icasa were two entities in communicat­ions with the highest irregular expenditur­e. Action needed to be taken to cut down on irregular expenditur­e at the SABC, Muller said.

The SABC’s financial statements contained a lot of mistakes, she said, adding that all the entities in communicat­ions, except the SABC, had managed to fix all the mistakes in their financial statements.

Muller also told MPs that the irregular expenditur­e was less than that of last year.

Communicat­ions Minister Faith Muthambi acknowledg­ed the reduction in fruitless and wasteful expenditur­e at the SABC.

She expressed concern at the lack of consequenc­es at the SABC and other entities.

“It appears there is a lack of consequenc­e management implementa­tion. I have also requested the entities to give their management plan, because some of the wasteful expenditur­e could have been avoided,” Muthambi said.

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