The Star Early Edition

Zuma basks in warmth of Angola


LUANDA: President Jacob Zuma visited Angola yesterday to attend the 40th anniversar­y of the independen­ce of Angola at the invitation of President José Eduardo dos Santos.

South Africa-Angola relations have substantia­lly warmed under Zuma’s presidency, and Zuma seeks to reaffirm the fraternal relations between the two countries.

When Angola won its independen­ce from Portugal, South Africa was still 19 years away from achieving its own liberation.

As a former member of Umkhonto we Sizwe, Zuma is greatly appreciati­ve of the role the Angolans played in supporting the anti-apartheid armed struggle by hosting bases and training camps for ANC cadres.

Given the close relations between the ANC and the MPLA during the Struggle, it was surprising that relations between the two countries remained frosty for much of the Mbeki presidency.

Currently, South Africa and Angola enjoy solid political, economic and social co-operation which has been formalised through the Joint Permanent Commission of Co-operation.

There are an increasing number of South African companies that have invested in the Angolan economy, and trade ties have accelerate­d.

In 2014, South African imports from Angola amounted to R21.8 billion while exported goods are worth about R2.2 billion.

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