The Star Early Edition

Double Crossword


1 Regularly excel with puff pastry? (6) 5 Lots of drinks sessions (6) 10 Bread staged revival in the German diet (9) 11 Hard to follow some of the eye with a Celtic tongue (5) 12 Collective term for a henhouse (4) 13 Constricti­on bent locket out of shape (10) 15 Like the stars in the team - the Madrid team (8) 16 Practical American fuel outfit (6) 19 Round tubes, out of shape and slow on the uptake (6) 20 Exotic tortilla on the Strand? (8) 23 Confront most figures of speech with exact images (10) 25 Discharge outside bayside watering holes (4) 27 Forward for small-time rollback (5) 28 Flag after sombre card game (9) 29 Outlaw about to jeer primate (6) 30 Feel man's rough interior and smooth surface (6) DOWN 2 Agreement with line in act, on amendment (9) 3 Getting on as silver-headed journalist (4) 4 Helping a little, to start with, to be all there (8) 5 One side's prerogativ­es (6) 6 Virtues in busy year for academia (10) 7 Urge to see the last of wager go into plunge (5) 8 A coach keeping account and counting frame (6) 9 Second rotter to snaffle thousand in foreign currency (6) 14 Mince or top cut is some sort of ham (10) 17 Turn of fate, not starting out with a silver spoon in one's mouth (9) 18 Learned to repeat after second in class (8) 19 Puts up for sale after skimming top from money boxes (6) 21 Mostly luxuriant heart of Dakar or another African capital (6) 22 Great ape to bring up the great and good (6) 24 Pause where millions fell into deep sleep (5) 26 Good god! Egyptian food! (4)


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