The Star Early Edition

Online help invaluable for accountanc­y exams

Students enthusiast­ic about CA Campus e-learning support


LIVE and online lectures, backed up by tutorials, that are a click away undoubtedl­y help trainee chartered accountant­s pass their Certificat­e in the Theory of Accounting (CTA) exams, says Sara du Toit of CA Campus.

“Blended learning certainly seems to be making a tangible difference in the success rate of trainees,” says Du Toit. “We are delighted with the positive feedback that we have received so far from our students.”

CA Campus focuses on assisting students in passing their CTA levels 1 and 2. The Joburg-based institutio­n offers face to face and online lectures, as well as online tutorials, to full-time and part-time students across Southern Africa.

“I am very happy with how the year turned out,” says Thandazile Manjingolo, audit assistant manager at AGSA and a CA Campus student. “Balancing work, life and studies is not easy, so passing CTA level 2 on first attempt is for me a great achievemen­t.”

The 26-year-old from Katlehong enrolled with CA Campus last year.

“At the end of 2014, I heard from a friend about CA Campus study support for Unisa students. I was so impressed with my friend’s ability to explain and simplify concepts that I enrolled for the part-time CA Campus classes last year.

“I wanted to conquer management accounting, as I was struggling. I got more than I anticipate­d – the lecturers were brilliant and when work commitment­s sometimes interfered with my studies, knowing that the lectures and tuto- rials were a click away made a huge difference. If I didn’t understand concepts during the lecture, I had the luxury of re-watching them at home in my own time and at my own pace.”

Manjingolo will be writing the SA Institute of Chartered Accountant­s exam later this month.

“I love the online learning platform because I can pause, rewind and replay lectures,” says Astrid O’Callaghan, an audit supervisor at FCS Auditors in Walvis Bay, Namibia. “Given that I study part time and travel a lot for work, it is convenient to take my laptop wherever I go and never fall behind with my studies.”

The 24-year-old completed her degree via Unisa and articles at an audit firm in Windhoek.

“CTA used to be an ‘unmentiona­ble’ word to all part-time students at our firm,” she says. “The pass rate was low and only one out of five students passed CTA, on average. Our firm told us about CA Campus at the beginning of 2015 and said that they would pay for the support programme if we were willing to try it.

“Thank goodness I took them up on their offer! In the middle of 2015, however, I needed to move home, so had to resign. I moved to Walvis Bay – luckily I could take CA Campus with.”

O’Callaghan passed CTA level 1 last year and is enrolled for CTA level 2 at Unisa. She plans to pass level 2 this year, with the help of CA Campus.

“Without CA Campus I would not have passed. It helped me a lot that the lecturers have a passion for their subjects; they sound so excited when giving a lecture that it makes me excited too.”

For more informatio­n, visit or e-mail

 ??  ?? Left : Thandazile Manjingolo, audit assistant manager at AGSA and a CA Campus student. Right: Astrid O'Callaghan, who works as an audit supervisor at FCS Auditors in Walvis Bay in Namibia and relies on distance learning to complete her studies.
Left : Thandazile Manjingolo, audit assistant manager at AGSA and a CA Campus student. Right: Astrid O'Callaghan, who works as an audit supervisor at FCS Auditors in Walvis Bay in Namibia and relies on distance learning to complete her studies.
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