The Star Early Edition

No free will, and no human rights

- JS Jaipal

OUR GOVERNMENT has made decisions about pensions without foresight about the needs of individual­s when they retire.

They are only concerned about citizens becoming a burden to the state after retirement and not about giving us the right to choose between a retirement option and a resignatio­n option.

Most individual­s will be retiring between the ages of 60 and 65. Not everyone wants a monthly pension payout. Many citizens want to take their full pension when they retire and enjoy their earnings.

What about those who have life-threatenin­g diseases and know they don’t have a long lifespan? Why must they be forced to receive a pension when they know they may only live for 10 years or less? A lot of citizens are fed up with crime. They wish to emigrate after retiring.

By enforcing the new pension laws the people of South Africa are being deprived of free will.

The state will benefit if the individual is a single person and dies after retirement.

After the five-year period is over the rest of the pension due to them will be forfeited and goes back to the government.

South African citizens should take a united stand against what is being rammed down their throats. This is a communist way of running the country with the citizens having no free will and no human rights.


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